Chapter Twenty-Eight: KATIRINA

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        We were retrieved.

      They came, like colorful demons, with their painted faces, and false smiles, and forced us out into the world.

      I never knew court officially could be so scary. I had always assumed that they were pretty dolls, who lie through their teeth, and bite off the head of their young to get what they want. I always imaged dark men, who smile at you, while holding a knife to your back. I never excepted them.

      They were cloaked in rainbows, but their frozen faces were in anguish. It reminded me of the sculptures that used to litter the grounds of the orphanage. Except there, the statues were angels surrounded by the horrors of the room, and here, they are plastic men who hold to many secrets.

      The court officials, swarmed into the contestants quarters at noon, and demanded that we ready ourselves for an outing. We were then marched through the hallways, surrounded by primly dressed guards, to the Castle courtyard.

      The courtyard reminded me of the ballroom. Their were onlookers who stared at our group with judgment in their eyes.

      We remained in a group, the other contestants and I. Why? I do not know. The only think I wanted at the moment was to get 'lost' in that green maze that sits in the middle of the courtyard.

      Do I excuse myself?

      I nearly chuckle aloud at the thought of the painted faces, of the woman around us, twisting in horror at my audacity. Instead I listened to the conversation around me silently.

     "Is it true, Miss Eva?" One woman asked. Her face was powders milk white, and her gown was a shocking shade of yellow. "Are you truely the lost Life of the Universe?"

     My eyes widened. The Life of the Universe... I thought it was only a myth.... My mind reeled with the possibilities of it all.

     The Life of the Universe is the heir to the Avita Galaxy. If someone was truly the alleged Life, they could assume all rights to the galaxy that used to sit at the head of the Council of Seven. The Avita Galaxy, used to pump life into the rest of the universe, and when it fell the rest of the universe fell with it. Since its demise barely anyone had the courage to enter its system, not even the barbarians that destroyed it; The Imperial Court had made it known that if anyone other than the true heir tried to claim the galaxy, they would face certain death.

      I stared at Eva, who seemed to stand up straighter at the question, and wondered if it was true. Is she the Life?

      "Yes I am. I was claimed by the Barsite after my parents sent me into space so they wouldn't have to kill me themselves." She boosted.

      There was a mixture of praises and blessings that bestowed Eva after her announcement.

      "If you are the true Life of the Universe, then why have you not made a claim for Avita?" A deep voice asked. The crowd seemed to split apart to reveal the Magt Ambassador that I had meet weeks ago at the Ball.

       Eva huffed at his question. "I do not have the resources to resurrect that dead system. That is why I am competing in the Dividing."

       The Magt Ambassador hummed in his throat, then walked away without another word. I tuned out the rest of the conversation as I watched him enter the maze. I glanced at the crowd around me, none even acknowledged my presence, then slipped away to follow him. I entered the maze without a second thought, than ran to catch up. I followed the flashes of his red cape, and glimpses of his shoe around bends and turns, until I finally caught up with him in a small clearing that held only a decorative fountain.

        He was standing watching the water flow out from the hands of a woman, whose eyes were blue jewels. "That is the Goddess Angelique." He said. I walked closer to stand beside him "She won the fist Dividing, and healed the royal line with her power. The citizens worship her."

        My mind went to the wooden statue in Sussanna's house. "She is beautiful." I said. He nodded. I turned to look at him fully. "I never had the chance to properly thank you, for helping me." I paused then said."I am a contestant. Katirina."

        He nodded. "It is alright. I knew I was thanked." He turned to me and held out his hand. "I am Nickoli Grant, an ambassador from Magt."

        I took his hand and shock it once. "Nice to meet you Nickoli."

        He smiled. "You as well, Miss Katirina." He bent toward me. "You best return to your group before they worry."

       I nodded and gave him a small smile, then turned to walk away.

      "Oh and Miss Katirina." he called. I turned sideways. He gave me a large smile, displaying his shiny white teeth. "Good luck in the next trial. I am rooting for you."

       I gave him a small bow of my head in thanks, then I returned to the rest of my group, who didn't even notice my absence.




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