Chapter Thirty: KATIRINA

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        There is only three of us left.



        And me.

        We were moved out of the Contestant's Quarters, and into our own individual rooms. They said it was a reward, for succeeding in the Trial of Loyalty. I didn't feel rewarded though. I felt betrayed, and violated in the deepest senses.

        None of it had been real. Or at least most of it hadn't been real. I had spent the past five days trying to distinguish between toxin and truth.

        The blaring siren? Truth. They had turned it on to invoke paranoia.

        The screams I heard? Toxin. Paranoia induced hallucination.

         Leaving Addrianna and Inu? Truth. The toxin could not fake interactions with people.

        The bodies? Toxin.

        The Monsterous giants? Toxins.

        The little girl? Truth.

        I still remember her wide blue eyes. The fear that had shone within them. I had clutched her so close to me, and whispered that it would be alright. And she had trembled in my arms. She had been so small. I don't know how they live with themselves, the court officials and the Prince. How do they live knowing they drugged a child into thinking that she was about to die? What if I hadn't been there, in that room? What if one of the drugged guards, who were firing their weapon at imaginary monsters had accidentally hit her instead? I just don't understand how they bare to use people as though they are only possessions. It is sickening to me.

        Of course now that it was only Hellena, Eva, and I, we were required to attend court meetings. Required to sit quietly as the men squabble over mediocure things. Yesterday, it had been the color of table clothes. The day before, it had been how the hedges had been cut.

       I don't blame the Prince for missing the meetings. I have a hard time siting through them, and this was only my third time attending. I sat there daydreaming of ringing each of the rainbow colored men's wrinkled necks. I restrained myself, but the thought was far to tempting to ignore.

       Glancing at Hellena, I notice that she didn't have the same problem as me. She sat washboard straight in her chair, and hung off of every word that spilled from the court officials honey stuffed mouths. Eva on the other hand, was leaning back in her chair, and appeared to be in a state of sleeping awareness. Although, I couldn't tell with her. She is the kind of person who would pretend to be asleep just so you would talk around her. Which doesn't say much in regards to me. The entire court has regarded me with quiet distaste after word of my 'false mutism'. The only ones who still converse with me, are Clara and Nickolai, but only one of them is present in court meetings.

        Nickoli sat back in his chair, and stared at his twiddling thumbs. He was wearing a bright red article of clothing, that draped around his person in various dips and ties. It was the style of his home planet Li'hum. He told me all about his home, in passing, describing the tarrain filled with nothing but rock and sand. He told me of the two moons, similar to the ones of Gallium. In the tribe where he had been raised they were called Kaisoge and Kusoge. He told me that they had been brothers in another life, and when the two had fallen gloriously in a great battle, the gods had placed their souls in the sky for all to see. I found that Nickolai was a man of many talents. He had a mind for mechanics, and a heart for religion. Now he sat there, ever the patient politician.

        Giving the table a firm tap he leaned forward to address the court. "Where is His Royal Highness today?" He inquired, his red eyes gleaming dangerously.

         I watched at the Court Leader, Lord Baldrin, flounder a bit at the question. "His Highness is a very busy man." I saw the mans aged hands shake a bit as he lifted the glass of water to his chapped lips. "As I was saying--"

        Nickolai interrupted the man. "My apologizes, but I was under the impression that this was to be a meeting to discuss matters of the Imperial court, not china arrangement. I saw a few heads nod in agreement, as Nickolai continued. "I was sent here to address the rising aggression of the Barsite. Imagine my surprise when I arrive on planet to find that, not only are my concerns are being ignored, but those barbarians are also residing on planet as well."

        "Ambassador Grant." Lord Baldrin sighed, trying to defuse the situation.. "His Highness's reasons for bringing the is none of your-----"

        "Tell me, Lord Baldrin, has your Prince jumped into bed with those creature yet. Or is he waiting for your vote of approval first." Nickolai asked. I could feel the ambassador's anger rising with every clipped phrase.

         "Ambassador Grant!" Lord Baldrin exclaimed. "That is enough."

         The ambassador nodded. "Indeed." He rose, and moved to exit the court. "Notify me, when the Prince would like to speak true politics." Then he was gone in a whoosh of red satin.

         I vaguely listened as Lord Baldrin tried in vain to calm the other court officials. I stared at the doors that Nickolai had exited from, and wondered if I could do anything to calm his anger.

          I heard Hellena talking quietly to the woman sitting beside her. Her voice was louder than a whisper, but quieter than a shout, so it was easy to listen in to the conversation.

          "Do you think, His Highness would do that?" I heard the woman ask. Her worry was evident from the slight tremble in her voice. "Do you think he would really aline us with those.... foul.. creatures?"

          "Hush now. I know for a fact that whatever the Prince does will be in favor of the people. He has not failed us yet, and I shall not loss faith in him, until he does." Hellena said. "And with the rising violence from the Barsite, it is wise to form alliances." 

          "I suppose so. I don't believe that alliance will be with Magt. Not after today's scene." The other woman snickered.

          "Only the future will tell." Hellena says.

          Only the Future will tell.... I think as I wander through the hallways after the court had been dismissed.... what future will there be if the Barsite are becoming more violent with every passing day........

         I thought of the malicious looks I received during the Trial of Worth.....The last time they became violent they nearly destroyed the entire universe... the scars of that violence still shine in every galaxy... Avita is a mere shell of itself because of it.... I fear to think what sort of damage they could achieve if another war broke out.

        I enter a random room, and suck in a deep breath as the fresh softness of flowers fill my senses. I was in an indoor garden, the same one from the Trial of Worth. I let my worries drain away, as a small sense of calm over took me. Taking in a deep breath, I smile.

        I wonder if the crystal sphere is still here.....
       Trailing my hands across the flower petals, I allow myself to wander deeper into the garden. I take another deep breath, and close my eyes, feeling the energy of the life around me, wash over me, and fill me up with a certain warmness.

        When I opened my eyes, I was in the clearing where the Trial of Worth had been held. I saw the crystal ball still resting on it's pedestal. And I saw that I wasn't alone.

        James.... My subconscious whispered.

       Then he turned and capture me with his beautiful blue eyes and I couldn't even move to walk away. And frankly I didn't think I wanted to.


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