Chapter Twenty-Five: KATIRINA

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I had argued with myself all day. Told myself that returning to the library could only lead to misery. I told myself that the Prince would not even show up. That I was wasting my time, and getting my hopes up. I scolded myself for any wandering thoughts that whispered 'but what if'. It kept me occupied in my silent isolation, as I had paced back and forth muttering to myself.

I did not hum today.

I did not sing.

I did not dance.

And I did not plot.

Today I had paced and thought of all the reasons I would not go to the library.

Today I had made a list. A list of the facts I knew.

Fact One: the Prince is an ass would said that he would have left me in this room indefinitely.

Fact Two: It took a chance meeting for him to suddenly offer to teach me control.

Fact Three: He is a jerk, and I hate him.

Fact Four: He is a Prince.

Fact Five: He is my 'master'. Although, since I have shed away my slave bracelet, I suppose I can no longer see him as such.

But the one fact that pushed all the others away was that he was right. I didn't have any sort of control over my abilities.

Which is how I ended up outside the library doors. The one place, I had told myself all day, I shouldn't be.

I took a deep breath, then pushed open the doors. The Prince was standing beside one of the many tables, leaning over another book. I stood in the doorway, waiting for him to acknowledge me, but he seemed to not even notice my presence.

"Your Highness?" I asked to the silent room.

"Take a seat." He responded, still not looking up from the book.

I walked closer to the table he stood at, and sat on one of the chairs that lined the side of the table. Then I waited for him to speak again. We remained in silence for a while, the only sound was the crisp sound of a page turning.

After more time passed, I began to lightly tap the table with my finger. After every page was turned, I would count how many beats would pass using a single even tap of my finger.

The Prince turned thirteen pages before he finally slammed his hand on the table, "Would you stop that." He demanded. His blue eyes glared at the offending hand, as though he wanted to cut it off.

I tilted my head as though I was confused, "Stop what?" I asked.

Sharp blue eyes snapped up to glare into my silver once. "Don't be petty, Katirina. It is unbecoming."

I gave the table one last tap, before asking, "What are you reading that his absorbed so much of your attention?"

The Prince slamed the book shut, "That is none of your concern."

I folded my hands together in front of me, and watched as he moved to put the book away. "Care to explain why I am here, then? That concerns me, does it not."

He let out a sigh, "If i had known you would be this annoying, I would have never offered to teach you."

"You didn't offer, Your Highness, you demanded that I met you here." He grunted in response. I waved my hand in sweaping motion, "And I would say that your teaching methods are as flawed as your social skills. I have been siting here for nearly an hour, and have learned nothing."

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