Chapter Nineteen: KATIRINA

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Four days had passed.

Four days since the Trial of Strength.

Four days since since Prince James announced the Double Eclipse Ball.

Four days of silence.

Four suns had risen and fallen. And tonight is the Ball.

In the past four days, I had heard chatter of no other topic. The other girls has gushed and gossiped about who was going to be there. Who was important enough to speak to. What they were going to wear.

After only a day of listening to it all, I had snuck out to explore the castle. I had only seen it is snippets, as we were marched through it. It was in this exploration that I had stumbled upon the library. Filled with more books than I could ever imagine, I had spent the remaining three days in silence, reading anything and everything I could.

I wish I was back in the library now, not standing on a stool being dressed for a ball I wanted nothing to do with.

Clara was with me, hovering over the seamstress and throwing out demanding 'suggestions' as to how she could improve the design. "Lower the neckline. She has assets, she needs to show them."..."Her waist is much smaller. Tighten the corset.".... "The dress would look much better without the train."

When the woman completed her final stitch, she turned to Clara. Huffed out a string of rude words, than marched out, in a flurry of scraps of cloth.

"Finally." Clara huffed out. "She is finished." She spared me only a moment of peace before the sprang upon me, with weapons in the form of cosmetics and styling supplies. She tugged and clipped. Pulled and dragged. Patted and matted. When she was done, she stepped back and admired her work. With a content nod, she gave me permission to look.

I am certainly pretty, at least I believe I am. The gown's skirt, that the seamstress had worked so hard to create, was a strikingly beautiful dark blue. A color that reminded me of Prince James's eyes. The corset on top was a pearly white color, with swirls of dark blue decorating me. The neckline dipped to display the top of my breasts, and nestled between them, was my necklace glowing proudly. my hair was twisted up into a complex bun, to display my neck. And draw even more attention to my 'assets'.

My head snapped away from the image of myself in the mirror at the knock on the door. Clara was practically skipping as she answered it. The man on the other side announced that my presence was required. That the ball had begun, and I need to join the festivities.

I paid little attention to my surroundings as he led me through the hallways alone. The rest of the girls were already at the ball, he had said. I was the last one, the only one not there. I merely nodded silently at his words.

When we stopped in front of two large bronze doors, he turned to me, "Allow me to announce your arrival." he muttered. And before I could stop him, he swings open the doors and shouts to the crowd within, "Contestant Number Twelve, Miss Katirina." He then proceeded to step aside and display me to the crowd.

All eyes were on me, in a see of color. I saw Solas blue, Paix black, golden Kebo, and Magt red. I even saw some warriors of the Barsite whose arms and face were littered with scars. Yet there were no silver haired Odimen. I had only ever met one Omeglan, a woman, a doctor who had treated me when I first boarded the Prince's ship. I would have enjoyed meeting more of the intellectual beings.

I nervously clutched and un-clutched my skirt, as I prayed that my legs did not collapse beneath me. I swung my gaze around the crowd, then nodded my head in a small bow of respect, and when I glanced back up I found that I was once again being ignored. Forgotten by these glittering people, whose minds seemed to have the attention span of molecule. Yes, I wish I could have meet more Omeglans.

I wander through the crowd, remaining close to the outer wall, content to remain invincible.

But I wasn't invincible enough.

I was being watched. Not just by the crowd, but by the Prince. His blue eyes were like a warm caress, brushing over me periodically like clockwork. They sought me out every hour on the hour, as though he expected me to vanish into thin air. I didn't understand his worry. It had been four days since he had blatantly ignored me after the Trial. Four days since he had blatantly ignored everyone involved in the Trial. He had apparently locked himself away in meeting with his advisors, only emerging to eat and sleep. There were no more visits to Adrianna's chambers, or anyone's for that matter. Yet here he was tonight, stealing glances at me. He was no doubt doing so to reassure himself that his property still remains on her lease.

I run my fingers over the metal bracelet around my wrist, and slip out into the cool air. The empty balcony I now stood on, over looks one of the planets many oceans. In the distance, I could just barely make out a small village.

"Funny little things." A smooth voice says besides me. I glance over to see the glowing red eyes of Magt male. He was a handsome fellow, with white hair, covered in streaks of bright red. He held himself with confidence, but seemed to lack the overall power that the Prince displays, and is a great deal smaller than the Prince. I suppose he is an ambassador, or something of the sort, based on the smoothness of his voice. And the calculating glint in his eyes, as he glanced me over, just like I had been doing to him. He lifted a finger to point at the bracelet I was still running my hands over. "Very funny indeed. May I examine it?" He asked.

I offered him my hand. He held it gently turning it this way and that. The Magt man let out a small hum in the back of his throat. "Trick little device. Much more complicated than I have ever seen." he glanced up at me, his red eyes glittering with laughter. "What is a contestant doing wearing a slave ban, I wonder."

I merely stared at him, and slowly withdrawal my hand from his. I turn back to view the party. I saw Adrianna standing besides the Prince on the other side of the room. My stomach twisted uncomfortably as I watched her press herself against him, in an act to draw his attention. She received it of course, as he stared down at her, into her eyes.

"What a wonderful night for a swim." The Magt ambassador says. I swing my head about to stare at him. "The coldness of the water always seemed to be able to clear away any problem." He glances at me, then down to my wrist. Then back to my eyes, in a silent message. "When cold, things stop functioning as they should. It is peaceful. Don't you agree?" He asked. I stared back with widening eyes.

I face the water as, he turns to leave. I climb onto the ledge of the balcony, and stare down at the water below. It was a far drop, but it would not kill me. I glance over my shoulder. The Magt man was standing there watching me. Blocking me from anyone inside.

"Thank you." I whisper to him.

I see the Prince over his shoulder. I see his head glance up. I see him glance about looking for me. Then I see his blue eyes, as they lock with my own.

I give him a small smile.

Then I let myself fall toward the cold water bellow.

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