Chapter Twenty-Three: KATIRINA

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I was being dragged by two guards, which reminded me of when I first came into the Prince's 'care'. They marched behind the man with two swords silently. No one had spoken a word since we had reached the castle.

People were staring now. Those we would pass in the hallways would stop, eagerly watching as the dirt covered girl is dragged by. I hung my head, I couldn't bare to look around. I didn't know where we were headed but I knew who were going to. The Prince.

Why didn't he just give up the search?

The question ran though my head over and over.

Why had he kept looking?

Why can't he have just let me go?

What use do I have for him?

Why does he want me?


I am not as powerful as Inu. I am not Beautiful like Addrianna. I am not loyal like Hellena.

I am a slave. A slave with dirt under her fingers, and leaves in her hair.

WHY ME....?

A door opened, then we were surrounded by sound. My head snapped up to see crowds of people that were standing at the edges of the room. They seemed to be the nobles of the planet, as they gossiped behind fans or turned backs. Their blue eyes trailed after me, watching as I was dragged across the room. I even saw the red eyed ambassador from Magt. His eyes were shinning with humor at seeing me.

        When my escorts finally stopped I was thrown to the ground, as the man with two swords bowed low

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When my escorts finally stopped I was thrown to the ground, as the man with two swords bowed low. "Your Highness, we have found her." He then stepped aside to reveal me.

I stared at the ground in front of me, refusing to look at him. The room had grown quiet, as the nobles waited with baited breath for the Prince to speak.

"Contestant Number Twelve." He growled out. I flinched at the name. It seemed worse than being called slave the way he said it. "Contestant Number Twelve, look at me."He snapped.

I let my eyes trail up the three steps, to his feet, up his legs, but I stopped when I reached his chin. I couldn't look him in the eyes. Not because I was a slave and he a prince, but because if I did I knew I lose my resolve not to speak. If I looked him in the eyes, I would throw myself at his feet and beg him for forgiveness. But I do not beg. So I do not look him in the eyes.

"Why did you run, Contestant Number Twelve." He spat at me.

I did not answer.

"Did we not feed you? Give you a place to stay?" He growled out.

I did not answer again. This time a guard stepped forward. "Speak when His Highness asks you something."

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