Chapter Sixteen: KATIRINA

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In the time of the Council of Seven, there was no division. No levels in rank or wealth. But it was a silent fact in the Universe that each galaxy has it's own unique characteristics, that distinguishes it from the others. When the Imperial Court was established , these factors of rank and wealth created a sense of order within the broken universe. There are three galaxies that now govern over the rest.

The first is the Magt Galaxy. The galaxy of the red eyes, who hold the power of the universe. Then is the golden eyed Kebo galaxy, who guard the freedom of the people. And lastly, the regal leader of the Imperial Court, is the Blue Eyed Solas Galaxy, the Light of the Universe.

The lower division galaxies are Paix, the Galaxy of Peace, who are marked with dark eyes. And Odimen, the keepers of Knowledge, with brilliant silver hair. And the scared Barbarians from Barsite, the Galaxy of Death. At the beginning of the War of Seven, Barsite conquered the Lumituri Galaxy of Happiness, and none of the galaxies purple eyes citizens have been seen since. Seeing someone with purple eyes is just as rare as seeing someone with silver. Silver was the color of the Fallen Avita Galaxy, whose destruction marked the end of the War. The Galaxy of Life is now a hollow of itself, no one left but the scavengers. With nothing but whispered stories keeping its name alive.

I am a child of Avita, one of the few child survivors from the failed evacuation, or so the nuns have told me. They had said that in the face of sure defeat, some of the citizens had sent single space pods off planet only big enough to carry a babe. Not many of such pods made it off planet, much less to one of the neighboring galaxies.

But now I was staring at yet another Avita Child. A small amount of joy seeped into my body at the knowlege that I was not alone in the universe. She had not yet noticed me, too fixated on the Prince. Her silver eyes bright with what appeared to be lust and demanding. My joy faded a bit as I noticed the maliciousness in her eyes. I once again glanced at the scared me around her and realized that I was still alone, for even though we were born of the same world, we were made on on different ones. While she grew surrounded by the violent warriors of Balist, I was taught the old teaching of peace in Paix. I dropped my eyes, allowing the icy numbness of loneliness retake me.

I listened to my new master instead of dwelling on the feeling of self-pity, it would achieve me nothing. He was speaking in the same deep, authoritarian tone he used with Daralis the day before.

"Each contestant will step forward, and receive the Trial of Worth. Succeed and you shall continue forth to the next Trial, fall and you will be escorted off planet." His eyes scanned the contestants, his eyes seeming to linger on me a second longer than the rest. He then gestured to the clear crystal ball that sat upon a marble pedestal next to him. "This is your test."

A man in a long white room stepped forward, his palms held raised above the crystal in prayer. "Hellena" The man said in a self-glorified manner, then motioned for her to move toward him. She complied. The man held out his hand, which Hellena accepted without a word. Without a word the man twisted her hand and slammed it upon the crystal.

Only then did Hellena make a sound, gasping in surprise then letting out a whine of pain as the crystal began to draw her blood into itself like a parasite. She tried to remove her hand, but the robed man was unwavering in his hold of her hand. Her whines turned to short cries. Then the man lifted her hand, and the cries ended. Hellena snatched back her hand, and rubbed it softly. Now every pair of eyes was upon the crystal, waiting with baited breath for something to occur. Hellena's red blood swirled within the crystal, which then glowed a magnificent gold. As the glow dimmed, the red blood disappeared as well. And the robed man announce that Hellena had passed the Trial of Worth.

The trial commence in order. For some the crystal glowed gold. For others it became a merky black, the sign that they had failed the trial.

Channah passed.

Addrianna passed.

Eleni failed.

Elyssa passed.

Basha passed.

Geena failed.

Young Flyta failed.

Daralis passed.

Inu passed.

Then came time for the barbarian raised Avita child. "Eva" the man had called her. She strolled up, with a swagger not confined by worry. Once again the man slammed her hand onto the trial surface. The crystal drew her blood and she let out a small whine of pain. And when the blood within turn a bright gold, I doubt any were surprised. Eva smiled widely, then moved over to the other girls who also passed.

"Katirina" The man called. I stepped forward, eyes on the ground. I stopped before the crystal. "Lift your eyes." the robed man demanded. I did as he asked, meeting his blue eyed stare. He sucked in a sharp breath. "Another Avita Child." He murmured to himself.

At his words, one of the barbarians charged forward, with a deadly sword in hand. Before he could reach me one of the Prince's warriors stepped between us. I recognized him from the slave ship. The one with two swords, who killed by previous master. He stood silently, his body relaxed, and the barbarian stopped immediately upon seeing him.

"I suggest you remember that you are a guest on this planet. If you attack on of my contestants, I will take it as an act of war, and will not hesitate to retaliate." The Prince said darkly.

The barbarian's eyes glared daggers at me, with a fury I didn't fully grasp. What had I done to warrant such a violent reaction?

I turned back to the robed man who was holding out his hand. I stared at it briefly, remembering the way he had slammed it upon the crystal with the others. If it was going to cause me pain, I would rather it be on my terms not someone else. Ignored his outstretched hand, and placed my hand gently upon the crystal myself. I registered the robed mans eyebrows raising in question, before the crystal began to draw my blood. It was not painful, not in the way that cause the others to scream and cry, it was more uncomfortable. For me it was eye opening. I had always been on the other end, always being the one to draw out the energy. I lean my head back and stared at the sky, accepting the feeling. In that moment I did not care if the crystal found me worthy, I was content letting the crystal's parasitic magic swirl through me and draw out my blood.

I felt someone remove my hand, and I let it drop to my side limply. I kept my head leaned back as the magic of the crystal faded within my body.

"Katirina has passed the Trial of Worth." I looked at the man at the sound of his voice, and could see that the golden glow within the crystal was slowly disappearing. I joined the rest of the women who had passed. I took my place beside Eva, who ignored my presence.

"Congratulations." Prince James said. "In three days time, the second Trial of Division will commence. The Trial of Strength." With that he turned and walked away, followed closely by the man with two sword. As I watched him leave, I saw the Barbarians staring at me with murder in their eyes.

Fear ran up my spine. And as I was lead back to the contestant chambers, I wonder if I would live long enough to compete in the next trail. If life on the slave ship had taught me anything, it would be that three days was a long time to remain in one place like a sitting target.

"Deadly accidents happen every day." I mutter to myself, as I stare at my locked door, contemplating how many ways it could be broken by those who wish me dead. "Everyday." I reminded myself as I slide the heavy chair in the corner, in front of the door.

Not that it would stop them.

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