Chapter Eighteen: KATIRITNA

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We were lined up in a row, in an empty hallway. All waiting patiently for the Trial of Strength to begin. The contestants, the escorts, the guards, all silently waiting for the orders to more or speak.

We had all been lined up at the demand of the Prince, who had then proceeded to entire into room. He had been followed by who I assumed were his advisors. Angry men in purple robes, each and every one of them. A few off them had stopped to speak to us. Or at least, they had spoken to the contestant that they are standing behind to win.

I was not one of such contestants.

I was the contestant that was invisible to these men. Even, Eva, the Avita Barbarian who stood next to me, received a polite nod of acknowledgement. I did not allow this to bother me, my invisibility was not an isolated event. Chanah and Basha, both share my none-existence status in the eyes of these men.

We waited, even when all of the purple robed men had entered the room behind the room.

We waited, the hour that the Prince's meeting lasted.

We waited, when all of the men in purple shuffled out of the room.

And we continued to wait.

And wait.

And wait.

And wait.

As the fourth hour bled into a fifth, I began to wonder if my new master had forgotten about us. About the ducks he had lined up in a row for his perusal. I wondered how he could forget. From the stories that Clara had whispered to me, it sounded as though His Royal Highness needed this contest. This Division, that will decide his mate. From his many visits to her room, I had assumed that my new master had chosen to favor Addrianna as the winner of such status, yet these trials are still being commenced.

But only according to HIS will.

I shifted from one foot to the other, uncomfortable with the design of my clothing. Composed of only a stretchy leather material that seemed to have suctioned itself against my skin, I felt indecent. Not that I should feel this way, compared to the others I dressed rather saintly.

I didn't dwell on this thought, as in that moment, The Prince had emerged and announced that the trial had begun.

Each contestant was ordered to step into the room, and defeat the obstacle within.

One by one the contestants enter the room.

Hellena succeeded.

Chanah did not.

Addrianna and Elyssa succeeded.

Basha did not.

Daralis succeeded.

Inu succeeded.

Eva succeeded.

Now it is my turn. I entered entered slowly, scanning the room for my chalange. Across the room sat the Prince with his dark blue eyes. He stood alone.

We were both alone.

Together. Master and Slave.

I tilted my head in confusion as he began walking towards me, closing the distance with his long strides.

"I am the obstacle." He said briefly.

I scrunch my eyebrows in a mixture of confusion and horror, and took a step back.

He took a step forward. Watching me intently. "I am the obstacle." He repeated. "Defeat me."

I shook my head, lowering my gaze. I could no longer look at his blue eyes. This was not right. Not correct.

"Defeat me." He said. " Attack me"

I shock my head again.

"Attack me, Damn it. That's an order." He snapped impatiently.

I felt the electrostatic rise in the bracelet around my wrist. The bracelet I had begun to forget was even there. The tiny shocks raced up my arm, clenching the muscles. Locking them in place. And like a puppet on a string, my arm swung forward, to attack him.

I hit his jaw. He stumbled back, slightly. Then regained his stance. "Again" He snapped.

This time I did not need the bracelet to lock my muscles into action. If he wanted me to attack. Fine. I will attack.

I swung out my leg, aiming to hit him in the stomach. He moved out of the way, but this did not stop me. I attacked again. I threw out a fist at his face again.

This time he grabbed my arm and yanked me close, spinning me so my back was pressed to his front. I struggled. I kicked and squirmed. I got in multiple good hits, that cause him to hiss foul words under his breath, but he did not release me.

"Enough." He growled in my ear.

I wasn't done though. I stomped on his foot, dug my elbows into his ribs and stomach. I swung my head wildly hoping to strick his jaw.

His hold on me tightened. "I said enough." He snapped. My feet left the ground as he lifted me to adjust his hold. I continued to struggle. "stop moving. That's an order."

Just like that my body stopped moving. Frozen by his command quite literally. I hated those four words that held all the power. 'that is an order'.

I was set back on my feet.

"Congratulations. You passed the Trial of Strength." He studied me. "You may return to the others."

I followed his instructions. And walked numbly back to my place in line.

Prince James exited the room soon after, and studied the remaining contestant. "The next Trial has begun. You shall be watched. You shall be judged. And by the end of the week you shall know whether you pass or fail." He glanced at each of us in turn. Though his eyes seemed to avoid me altogether. "My advisors have just notified me that in four days time, both moons will be covered in a double eclipse. This only occurs once every decade, so there shall be a celebration here to honor it. You are all invited." With that he turned and disappeared down the hall.

And I was left with the woman, who had turned into squealing girls at the announcement he had made.

I glare at his retreating back. Wishing that I could shout out 'Don't be an aloof ass. That's an order', but that wasn't my place. Nor was it justified in any way.

But it would get his attention.....

I wrinkled my nose at the thought, and followed the rest of the contestants, wondering why I would want the Princes attention.

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