Chapter 2 ~ Memories Burn

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Ashington Lower Middle School

Six Years Ago

Sixth Grade

"Hey Katie, I ate a dog this morning! It was delicious and meaty and omg!" Sydney Steely laughed in my ear as she and her friend came up to me at lunch.

"Oh, yeah, and my Dad ran down a cat this morning, its guts spraying across the windshield," Sydney's friend, Ella Perkinz, teased. I glared up at them, trying to continue eating my lunch as my friend Danica jumped from her seat.

"Just leave her alone, will ya!" she hissed at them. The girls giggled as they walked away back to their table across from ours, still laughing and obviously whispering things about us.

"Thanks," I muttered to Danica as she calmly sat back down next to me, that flare of hatred and annoyance still clear in her dark brown eyes.

"No problem. Those girls need to grow up anyway," she growled, taking a sip of her chocolate milk while I continued to glare at the girls from my seat, not glancing away for a moment. They tried looking away, even blocking my glare with their lunch bags but eventually they got up and walked back over, their faces red from laughing.

"OMG, Katie, I'm like really sorry," Ella said falsely. It was clear in her smug little voice that she didn't mean a word, sorry was just a random word used with no meaning to her.

"Just go away, I can tell when you don't give a crap," I said, not daring to look up at them.

"No, but we're serious. Can you please just stop glaring at us," Sydney pleaded but struggling not to laugh.

"Just go away!" Danica snapped back at them. They tried to hide their giggles as they slunk off in a different direction of their table. I sighed, feeling the tears come to my eyes again. The boys gave me a hard time last period in science; I don't need some girls ruining my lunch as always.

"Katie?" I glanced up at the teacher standing over me from behind, her face fairly dark. I switched my glare to Sydney and Ella who were standing defensively behind her. "These girls keep saying you're glaring at them even though they apologized to you. Will you please leave them alone?" she said, her voice rocky like sand paper being rubbed back and forth.

"But they were being jerks and-"

 "Yeah but we, like, apologized," Sydney piped up defensively.

"That's right, they did, so can you please eat your lunch and stop staring in their direction," the teacher said with as much authority as she could muster. I muttered under my breath and turned back to my lunch, taking a bite of my sandwich. I heard the girls giggle a thank you innocently to the teacher before prancing back off to their seats, the teacher taking a final glance around before stalking back off to wherever she came from.

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