Chapter 16 ~ No, I'm not Famous

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Hehe!!! This was a very fun chapter to write! I hope you enjoy reading it just as much as I enjoyed writing it!





~KC Blares



P.S. I JUST HAD TO ADD THAT SONG!!!! Perfect or what?!


 Chapter 16 ~ No, I'm not Famous


People's heads turned. Jaws dropped. Eyes widened. My converse padded against the tiles of the school hallway, but my lace-lined hips swaying from side to side. My crimson red lips were in a slight pout, my wavy black hair straightened and cascading down my shoulders.

Amber had helped me with my makeup that morning, my eye shadow smoky grey and accentuating my steel grey eyes. My eyebrows were done and a coating of ruby red lipstick had been added to my full lips, bright against my naturally pale skin.

Amongst my new wardrobe from my mom, I was able to pull out a small black skirt, accompanied by fishnet stockings, and a long sleeved, silk red blouse that accentuated my curves and lips. If this didn’t capture the attention of anyone of the opposite sex, I don’t know what would.

I smirked to myself when I reached my locker, pulling out the books I needed and stuffing my backpack into the locker. I had caught the attention of pretty much every guy in the hallway. Which added to Damon's possession and jealousy problem and advantaging me perfectly in this war.

"KC?" I heard a familiar voice ask from behind. I turned around to grin at Justin, his eyes widening as he observed my outfit, taking in everything. I had been the girl just Friday wearing jeans, a shredded tee, and combat boots. This was going to be a big surprise for a lot of people. Maybe even more of a surprise than my big return.

"That would be me," I grinned, taking a step closer towards him. He chuckled, hearing the slight hint of humor I hid in my seductive voice.

"You look amazing," he complimented, glancing at my lips before returning his gaze back to my eyes. 

"Thanks," I purred, making the space between us barely an inch. Hesitantly, Justin wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me to him. Grinning, I put my palms to his chest, feeling his rock hard abs just beneath my fingers through the thin layer of polyester. 

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