Chapter 23 ~ Seductresses

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Haha! Another chapter! Oh so close!!! ;P

OMG... so, some interesting news to share with yall... remember how I said towards the beginning of teh story that all those bully moments were actual events that happened to me... well... I'm returning to my old school... Ironic and totally odd right? Well... actually for a day but still... its like walking back down memory path through hell... *gulp*

Wish me luck...





~KC Blares


 Chapter 23 ~ Seductresses


KC’s P.O.V.


            “What did you do? Drag your face through the dirt?” Maggie asked when I entered my room, my hair still knotted with grass and dirt stained on my face. I sighed, Dan stomping in after me and slamming the door behind him.

            “Yeah, something like that,” I chuckled dryly, wiping my forehead with the back of my hand, flipping my hair behind my shoulder. Danica and Amber fought amused smiles from creeping to their faces. I threw them each a cold glare, a low growl escaping my lips.

            “Damon,” Dan growled as he grabbed Amber’s water bottle from her hand and splashed half of it on his face, a quarter to my floor, and the rest in his mouth.

            “Hey!” Amber hissed, swiping back her now empty water bottle and slapping Dan upside the head. “Meanie,”

            “Really, ‘Meanie’? That’s the best you could do?” Dan cocked and eyebrow, a sly yet friendly grin snaking across his lips. Amber growled as she threw the empty bottle at him, turning her back to him.

            “Ok,” Maggie dragged on, the three of us staring at Amber and Dan in curiosity. “Moving on,”

            “Look, guys, do you mind if we skip practice tonight? I stink and I swear there is something crawling through my hair,” I shuddered, not necessarily exaggerating.

            “KC, the talent show is in two days. We can’t afford to skip a single practice,” Danica said, looking a little panicked. I groaned, feeling like my legs were about to buckle beneath me any second.

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