Chapter 24 ~ Some Hearts still Beat

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Thank y'all so much to everyone who left a supportive comment on my last chapter. I can't tell y'all how much that meant to me :)

Um, my trip back to hell wasn't as bad as I thought... it was actually a huge surprise for my friends cuz they had no clue I was coming. SO all the people whom I based characters off of in this story I got to see and some of them actually had tears in their eyes :') good times

 And well... with the bullies... oh, where to begin... scared the crap out of them... but... idk... it was sorta weird how they acted... especially one of the boys... whom is symbolized as Luke in this story... actually... well, was super nice... but it was kinda scary /:S

 Also, I'd like to dedicate this chapter to callmeams because of her courage through life and for being such a great inspiration to me and another icon for this story. Again, Thankyou so much callmeams  :)






~KC Blares


Chapter 24 ~ Some Hearts still Beat


KC’s P.O.V.


I felt Justin’s breath on the back of my neck before I felt his arms wrap around my waist, pressing my back against him. I smiled as I kicked my locker shut and forgot about all of my books before turning around so that I was chest to chest with the tall and handsome boy whom was well known as my boyfriend.

            “Good morning, beautiful,” he grinned, pecking my cheek with a quick kiss. I wound my arms around his waist, pulling him closer to me.

            “Hey there,” I purred, returning a simple kiss on the lips. It was the moment that I was pulling away that my muscles tensed and his chuckle filled the hall, accompanied by another’s. I glanced past Justin to see Damon casually walking down the hall, and you wouldn’t guess who was tangled in his arms.

            “Huh, I guess Damon’s dating Crystal Palmer now. That’s not gonna last long,” Justin scoffed, moving his arm from my waist to around my shoulders so that we could both see the center of attraction prowling down the halls. Crystal, with her short skirts and disturbingly tight shirts, could’ve been with Chloe’s gang if she wanted. But, unlike Chloe and her pack of diseased friends, Crystal actually had a brain, and she knew just how to use it.

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