Chapter 43 ~ Impossibly Possible

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~KC Blares



Chapter 43 ~ Impossibly Possible


KC’s P.O.V.


My vision wavered, my eyelids heavy, and my breathing forced and excruciatingly tormenting. I thought being stabbed once was painful enough. Turns out, when you’re stabbed in the effing lungs it’s a whole other hell.

            “That’s going to keep her alive until the blood floods out of her lungs,” Janna informed her voice distant. Immediately, I felt someone tightly clasping my hand as though it were a life line. My pulsing vision and the weakness of my limbs prevented me from looking at who it was, but the numb sparks that shot up my arm reassured me that it was indeed Damon.

            “Then what?” I barely heard Dan ask, two silhouettes appearing at my side opposite as Damon.

            “She should be fully conscious, weak and hungry, but awake,” I heard the doctor say, a light suddenly being shone in my eyes.

            “Wh-Where’s…,” I began but my voice couldn’t go on.

            “Shhh, just relax, sweethe- KC,” Damon cooed, quickly rethinking his words. Even at just the start of the nightmarish nickname was enough to make my body stiffen with fright. He must’ve noticed because he began stroking my hair soothingly, a clear attempt at calming my nerves.

            “What’s your name?” Janna cut in.

            “KC-C Blarez,”

            “How old are you?”


            “Where do you live currently?” Janna continued while she examined me carefully from head to toe.

            “Uh… Ottawa, Canada?” I offered as I watched Damon’s face become worrisome before I was unable to help myself to a grin. “Kidding, Ashington, Connecticut.” I answered truthfully. I heard Amber stifle a laugh that was mixed with a sob. Dan’s chuckle, though quiet, couldn’t hide any of his humorous personality.

            “Even when you have two straws dug into your lungs you can’t miss the chance to be a wiseass,” Dan muttered with a brood grin.

            “Go-Gotta brighten myself up s-some way. Sure as hell y’all are too teary to crack a j-joke,” I choked, every word spiking pain in my chest and making me flinch. The room went quiet.


            “What d-d-do you expect-t? I have two fre-freakin’ tubes deep in my effing l-lungs,” I said hoarsely, trying to reassure them that I was alright, minus the fact of the ittie bittie pain I was suffering from both lungs filled with my own blood and the only thing allowing me to breathe were two metal straws sticking out of my chest.

            “Why don’t we save the funny business for later and right now you just rest? There’ll be plenty of time later to laugh around,” Damon smiled softly, stroking the back of my hand with his thumb. I tried to nod, but all that happened was a screaming pain in my chest so I just gave him a look that said I understood. His smile slightly widened as I let my eyes flutter shut and let sleep take over, hoping to stay unconscious through the terrorizing discomfort. Wait, why the hell was he smiling at me like that?

Damon’s P.O.V.


            “At least we know the KC we know and absolutely adore isn’t dead,” Dan said with a half-hearted smile. However, I barely heard him as I watched KC quickly fall asleep, unable to tear my eyes away from her face. It was funny really; it took the threatening of KC’s life to get me to really notice her, to let my instincts take over, and allow myself to love her. Now, I couldn’t leave her side without thinking about her.

            “Damon,” Amber snapped me out of my thoughts and brought my attention to the heart she clutched in her hand. “You must’ve dropped the charm.” She said as I grabbed it, feeling that I had been pulled into my own world as I stared at it, mesmerized by its designs and lust. I could feel the power emanating off of it in my palm.

            “Here,” the beta female said, holding out a silver chain. “I have plenty of chains and necklaces. I can sacrifice one for the greater good,” she smiled, glancing down at KC before looking back up at me. I caught her motion and after sliding the locket onto the chain, I tied it around KC’s neck, admiring how it looked over her pale skin. Already, the stone went into action; the bite marks on her bottom lip closed up and you could visually see the flesh around the straws trying to heal, the blood disappearing and the wounds trying to close.

            “Is it safe to remove them now?” I asked the healer, whom had remained silent and steadily watched KC from a safe distance. She approached us and before she answered she gently pressed down on KC’s stomach like she had before.

            “No blood. Seems like the fragment is capable of freaking miracles.” Janna said, prying out the straws and watching in awe as the circular wounds closed almost immediately, any trace of them being there disappearing.

            “Or miraculous healing,” Dan murmured with a chuckle, receiving an elbow in the gut from Amber.

            “Now all she can do is rest and hope what’s left of the poison circulates out. However, it seems her wolf did a pretty good job at getting rid of most of it,” Janna stated as she glanced over at the crimson stains on the other cot and floor.

            “And what do we tell my baby girl when she opens those gorgeous eyes for good?” Diana hissed from behind me, almost coming out of nowhere.

            “That the rogues are dead.”

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