Chapter 27 ~ Just another Global Crisis

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Ali's and Maggie's dresses to the side >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>





Love y'all!! <3

~KC Blares


Chapter 27 ~ Just another Global Crises


Damon’s P.O.V.


“Dude, wake up,” I felt someone give me a shove and I growled, rolling over onto my stomach and shoving my face into my pillow. There was a sigh and I heard shuffling around and someone kicking a glass bottle aside. The next thing I know, the sheets beneath me are moving and I land face first on my bedroom floor.

“What the hell?” I snapped, rolling onto my back and glaring up at Luke and Jeff.

“That’s what I should be asking you, dude!” Luke exclaimed. “What up with this?” he questioned with one raised eyebrow as he ushered to the beer bottles scattered across the floor. I sighed, rubbing my face tiredly.

“I, uh, I was just a little pissed,” I mumbled, feeling a hangover coming on. My brain was already pounding against the inside of my skull and the sunlight streaming in from the windows burned my eyes. Jeff noticed me wince and seemed to understand right away what it was as he ran to close the curtains, helping the pain numb a bit.

“A little?” Jeff snickered, looking around the room. “It looks like you threw a party in here with all these bottles and cans,” he said as he began kicking some aside into the corner. I moaned, trying to recall last night.

I remember KC wrapped in that guy’s arm while watching a movie in only shorts and a tank top and looking way too comfortable. After that, my mind was wrapped up in a whole bunch of thoughts that I didn’t want to think about. All of them very much related to KC. It got so bad that I had to drink to stop my instincts from taking over. I didn’t know how much longer I could keep my wolf tamed.

“I was just pissed, let’s leave it at that,” I growled, not wanting to go deep into the subject. “What time is it anyway?” I asked, slowly clambering to my feet, still a little wobbly beneath me.

“Two o’clock,” Luke replied with a smirk. “KC and Dan were looking for you when you didn’t show up for that training thing this morning. Ryan ended up covering for you,” he informed as he crossed his arms, leaning against the wall. “Damn, Dan was furious,” he laughed, Jeff chiming in.

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