Chapter 3 ~ Wolves Never Forget

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Hope this chapter is alright. I wasn't sure about it, didn't know if I should add more or not. Idk, I'll try to get to the intense stuff asap but thats really only if this story does well. So far, its doing better than I though so hopefully itll be cools!

 Hope this chap doesnt bore u to sleep! And please comment! If theirs something u like id love to add more and if their something u hate id love to change it to make the story sound better! And tell me if u think u know whats gonna happen later on! 





Later! :p

 ~KC Blares



Six Years Ago

Ashingtion Lower Middle School

Sixth Grade

"Hey, Katie, look at this!" Alistar Jordon came up to me, a picture of lions mauling an antelope, tearing opening its throat and eating its internal organs. I tried ignoring him, looking away when another picture of a dead and skinned panda was put in front of my eyes. I glared passed the picture and up at a cackling Jeff and Alistar, laughing their heads off. I looked down at my work, trying to concentrate on it and not on the boys.

"Come on, Katie, don't be such a baby! It's just a lion tearing the lungs out of this soft and cuddly antelope. Grow up for crying out loud," Alistar snickered, Jeff laughing like a maniac behind him. I couldn't help the tears that started gathering behind my eyes, threatening to poor out.

I just couldn't believe these people would be like this. I didn't even know them before this year. I couldn't even understand why they thought it was funny to watch me cry. Was it because I just liked animals? Was it because I didn't dress hot and exposing like the other girls? Was it because I wasn't popular all together or I wasn't funny? I just couldn't understand… and frankly, I’m not sure I want to.

Present Day

I sat through the rest of the day being stared at by other students. I could hear them talking about me, saying things like, "OMG remember when her hair was crazy and greasy looking? What happened to her?" "I bet she got possessed by a ghost or zombie or somethin'. I’m sure it’s one big act. Show her a dead rabbit and she’ll go down in tears." I rolled my eyes. I don't know if they sensed it, but I caught their scents by just walking into the room; about three or four kids in this one class were werewolves and I couldn't even tell six years ago, but now it was clear as day what they were. Their large canines flashed under the dim florescent lights and the golden swirls laced into their eyes were quick giveaways. 

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