Chapter 36 ~ Rest in Shackles

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And, please check out some awesome books by WorldtoManage and Navyhim! They are truly awesome!

~KC Blares


Chapter 36 ~ Rest in Shackles


            Damon’s P.O.V.

My parents’ room was by far the largest room in the entire pack house. It consisted of a large bathroom the size of any regular living room consisting of everything an alpha couple could possibly need or want. Including a love seat that uses its name in some literal sense. The bedroom was almost a house of its own. A large king bed draped in silky red tapestries sat across from the carefully and skillfully made stone fireplace, engravings etched into the stone. A large red and golden rug covered a large portion of the mahogany hardwood floors. On either side of the fireplace, a glass door granted view to the balcony that looked over the forest and far into the horizon. In the corner diagonal from the bed were a few chairs and a couch, a wide screen pressed against the wall.

It was a true master piece.

It was hell.

The room was huge, taking up the entire fifth and top floor. It would be impossible to find the “it.” Not that I knew what “it” was. I was sure I’d know what it was when I found it.

“Hasn’t been touched since the day of the accident,” I said when I sensed Dan come in behind me. He walked up beside me and put a brotherly hand on my shoulder, his eyes wandering solemnly around the room. I heard him inhale deeply before his fingers tightened on my shoulder. I smelled the air, feeling my heart crack just a bit more. Mom’s and Dad’s scents were faint, but they still lingered in the room.

“Well, it’s got to be in here somewhere. Better start looking,” I sighed, pulling away and heading towards the bed, starting to rummage around in the side table drawers. I watched Dan out of the corner of my eye head into the bathroom to start his own search in there. Unless the rogues were looking for womanly items or condoms, it wasn’t in the side tables. I dropped to my hands and knees and started searching beneath the bed, feeling around for something out of the ordinary.

“Your parents were a very busy couple, dude,” Dan called from the bathroom. I felt my face turn hot; very awkward way to think of your parents.

“Hey, man, how do you think I was born?” I replied with a hint of bitter humor. Dan just returned with a dry chuckled, retreating from the bathroom and heading towards the lounging area. I ran my hand along the bed posts, knocking here and there to try and hear a difference. My eyes lingered lazily to the mattress and the neatly set pillows and what seemed like a movie began playing behind my eyes. I saw KC and I in the bed, our bodies concealed under the luxurious red covers. I was straddling over her, my hands tightly gripping the headboard. Her fingers clawed at my bare back, trailing long red scratches. She moaned, her head tossing back into the pillows. My fingers were tightening around the headboard, the wood beginning to break from the pressure. The other me released a low moan of his own.

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