Chapter 39 ~ Bloody Dice

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Alrighty sweethearts ;p hope y'all enjoy and...





~KC Blares



Chapter 39 ~ Bloody Dice


Damon’s P.O.V.

The living room floor was spotted with a thin trail of blood that lead towards the infirmary. The pack was crowded outside of the medical room door, listening with concerned looks as blood curdling screams emanated from behind the locked door. Still wolf, I pushed past them, sending out a few warning growls to order them out of my way. Seeing injuries of my own, they obediently backed away and cleared the door for me. Still clutching the locket in my mouth, I noticed that even in a few seconds the gaping wound in my neck had already declined to tender scar tissue.

With a grunt, I rammed the force of my body against the door, breaking it off one of its hinges. Inside, Diana and Janna were on either side of KC’s cot, Diana trying to keep KC’s hands pinned against the mattress.

“What the hell is going on?” I asked, spitting the locket into my hand as I shifted, ignoring the fact I was stark naked.

“The blade,” Janna informed, sweat beading off her brow while she struggled against KC’s thrashing. “It was silver and tipped with wolfsbane. She’s suffering from delusions and a rising fever. Her defensive instincts are kicking in against whatever she’s seeing.”

“What can you do?” I demanded, storming up beside her and looking down at KC’s sweat-drenched body, her skin as white as the sheets. Her claws were fully extended and her canines were elongated. However, her eyes were flickering colors of all shades from her human grey eyes, to lust black, to wolf silver, desirable gold, and to blood lust red.

“The best I can do is treat the wound with herbs but I don’t know how much that can help her. It’s not looking too good, Damon.”

“Do whatever you can to save her.” I ordered, watching with a torn heart as KC writhed in pain.

“Will you please put on some clothes first?” Diana requested through clenched teeth, her hands firm around KC’s wrists.

“There should be some pants in the cabinet behind me. Just hurry, I could really use some help,” Janna said, her voice becoming strained at the end as KC cried out. I found the jeans on the shelf and pulled them on and slipped the heart into my pocket, returning to Janna’s side while giving Diana a look.

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