Chapter 11 ~ Unknown Species

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 (David Henry as Justin to the side) >>>>>>>





~KC Blares


Chapter 11 ~ Unknown Species

Biting my lip, I nervously drummed the desk top with the eraser of my pencil, glancing constantly up at the clock. Three minutes before school ended. Justin and I were going to meet up at the library to study for a history test the next day. I can't remember the last time I was this nervous. Or nervous at all, really.

"Someone's really gotta pee," Maggie whispered to me from behind, noticing my nervous motions. I threw her a side glare before rolling my eyes.

"Wise arse," I hissed back at her. She knew just as much as I did that Justin and I were meeting up that afternoon, she just always had to push my buttons. But in a friendly way. She snickered, leaning back in her chair before returning to the lesson, or pretending to anyway.

The teacher was in the middle of a sentence when the bell rang, instant reaction from the students as they fumbled for their folders and book bags. I quickly swiped my bag from beside my desk and was the first to get out of the room, not waiting for Maggie to catch up, knowing she'd hunt me down in the halls and probably stalk me at the library.

When I reached my locker, a small smile was able to crawl onto my face when I noticed Justin leaning up against the wall beside it, a little smile of his own on his face.

"'Sup, KC?" he grinned when he saw me approaching, slinging his backpack onto his shoulder. I shrugged, returning his grin.

"Not much, how 'bout yourself?" I asked, walking beside him down the crowded corridor. 

"Not much. We've got a lot of studying to do though. Mr. Calligan's really strict about the tests he gives," he sighed, rolling his eyes dramatically. I chuckled in agreement. 

Like usual, the school library was empty except for the librarian that slouched behind the desk, scolding at some People magazine in her hands. She barely spared us a glance as we walked in, making our way towards the way back corner of the library, behind one of the bookshelves and settling down at one of the tables.

"So, you've been re-adjusting to Ashington well?" he asked, pulling out his notes and text books from his bag.

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