Ꮚ Chapter 3 Ꮚ

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Ꮚ Chapter 3 Ꮚ

      Jeremiah Vincent was a nerd. And a fantastic one at that. Not only was he incredibly smart and friendless but he also had neat handwriting. Which came quite handy when it came to cheating. Not that I was cheating, because I would never do that. I was simply glancing every now and then at his paper. And somehow I managed to catch the answers which of course, I couldn't just forget about. So that meant I just wrote them down on my test. Besides now that I had great eyesight I was able to see his answers with little to no problem.

      Ah, the perks of having superhuman abilities.

      I smirked while quickly writing everything down. This guy wrote his answers fast but luckily I had a quick speed as well. Mmm, yes being a superhuman did have it's perks.

      My parents weren't too happy about getting a call from Mr. Jitin and about my behavior. But then again when were they ever happy about my school life? To make it up to them I promised that I would start getting good grades and since we've clarified that I am indeed unintelligent I had to resort to something else. Or in this case someone else. Which just so happened to be the blonde haired and blue eyed nerd. I watched as he walked up to the teacher and handed his paper in.

      I folded my arms by the back of my head and relaxed against the wooden chair. I might not be smart but I knew what to do when it came to things like this. I knew not to just jump for an A since that was so unlike me. I was a C+ which meant the best grade I could get was around a B+ and that's exactly what I aimed for. Jeremiah for sure got an A+ so I just copied everything and changed a few answers so it wouldn't look suspicious. In short, I was a pro at this.

      "Lucas I need you to hand in your test," my teacher said. "Class is over."

      I nodded and handed in my test. Whatever class this was I knew I did well.

      I walked out of the classroom as a smug smile made its way onto my face. I placed my hands in my pockets and strolled down the hallway. I watched as the immature teenagers around me did their stupid everyday things. But my perspective was different now. I saw everything in somewhat of a different light. It was very unfamiliar yet fresh. It felt nice. It's like I was given an eye opener. I liked it.

      "Jeremiah," I heard an annoying voice yell and shove someone into a locker.

      I sighed and turned around only to see the infamous Jaxon Dominic, a.a.ka the schools jock and tormenter to our very own nerd, Jeremiah. And can you guess what was happening? Drum roll. Dun dun dun! And you have assumed correctly Jaxon was currently bullying Jeremiah. You win absolutely nothing! Yes, that's right dear readers not only will you get nothing but it's free excluding shipping and handling. With only three easy payments of 15.99$ for shipping. Sigh. I need to be stopped.

      I watched as Jeremiah groaned and rubbed his forehead. Jaxon chuckled and knocked down all of Jeremiah's books. I frowned. I didn't feel bad at all and because of that, I felt bad. So because I didn't like being such a horrible human I decided to do something. Besides, this guy was the reason I wasn't failing the least I could do was help him out.

      "Aww is someone looking for their glasses?" Jaxon taunted as Jeremiah was crawling on the floor, blinking rapidly. He reached out on the ground obviously trying to find for his glasses but sadly he didn't know that Jaxon was dangling them in the air.

      I sighed and got ready to put on the best glare that I could muster. Of course, that wouldn't be so hard since it appeared that I was gifted with a threatening glare since the day I was born. It came in handy at times and others times it had me filled with awkward encounters.

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