Ꮚ Chapter 6 Ꮚ

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Ꮚ Chapter 6 Ꮚ

      I had a problem.

      My heart was beating too fast.

      Now I know I explained my powers to you, at least everything I knew. We went over the basics of how abnormal I can be, but this was different. Very different. My stomach was taken over by butterflies. Yes, butterflies. That's the only word I can describe this feeling with. It kept fluttering and messing with my head. It was like all the animals in Noah's ark was now in my stomach and continuously stomping around. I bit my lip as the uneasiness took over. This feeling definitely wasn't something I have felt before. So that means it had to be connected to my superpowers.

      This wasn't like those times where I knew something bad would happen. This was almost normal just a little heightened. But how was I supposed to know what that was?

      "Hey," Jenna said and took her seat next to mine.

      The weirdest part to this whole thing is that it happened when she was next to me. Was this really part of my superpowers? This was too confusing.

      I looked over at her, glared and then ignored her presence. I watched as she frowned. She shouldn't take it personally. That was my reaction to everyone. Even people I liked. Besides, she deserved it. She was making me feel this way and I didn't like it. Not even a little. So maybe she should take it personally. Hmph.

      "Alright, then glare at me," she muttered and opened her notebook.

      I glared harder. She was clearly asking for it and I honestly didn't mind giving into her sarcastic request.

      "Fine," she turned to me. "Glaring contest it is."

      And then she glared at me.

      I raised my eyebrows at her. Why was she acting so um...what's the right word? Ordinary, I guess. She didn't appear to be nervous around me or cower in fear whatsoever. This was sort of refreshing but less amusing. It always entertained me how people we're scared of being next to me. I kind of got used to it. So when she continued to glare at me, I returned the favor. I admit this is not something I would usually do but it was far more interesting than doing class work.

      "Are we really doing this?" I asked while rolling my eyes. I momentarily stopped glaring and she smiled excitedly.

      "I win!" Jenna giggled.

      Was it weird that I actually liked the sound of her laughter? Yes, it was. What is wrong with me? I mentally facepalmed myself and groaned.

      "Sure," I shook my head and laughed.

      She suddenly began inching closer to me with her dark green eyes wide.

      "So are you like really part of the mafia?" Her smile grew.

      "The mafia?" I raised my eyebrow.

      "Or are you a drug lord?" She leaned even closer.

      She was being so straightforward, it bothered me.

      "Drug lord?" I clicked my tongue and sighed.

      Did people really believe that? I mean, I wouldn't mind being part of that type of stuff, but I don't know about my parents. And since I kind of lived with them I can't get away with anything. Especially being a drug lord or part of the mafia.

      "So which one?" Jenna asked and wiggled her eyebrows. "Or is it both? And do you have a skull tattoo on your back?"

      Her curiosity was beginning to irritate me even more. Not only was she completely wrong but also way too open for my comfort. Who asks those types of questions?

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