Ꮚ Chapter 13 Ꮚ

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Ꮚ Chapter 13 Ꮚ

     Fun fact guys, do you know that the reason the sky is blue is because of the sun? Let me elaborate a little because this get's complicated. There's light that comes from the sun, obviously, but that light is white. In actuality, though that light consists of all the colors but since they are all mixed up we see it as white. As this light goes through our atmosphere the light gets scattered because of all the air and particles that are in it. The part that gets scattered mostly is the blue and it separates itself so we can see that color, hence the reason why the sky is blue.

     Anyway, now that you feel smart which by the way your welcome and also, by the way, I got that from Jenna. If you thought I actually knew that I don't think I'll be able to stop laughing. I don't even know what I just told you but Jenna seemed to be very passionate about it and I'm pretty sure we all wondered why the sky was blue. Most of us, I myself especially do not care to search for such an answer.

     Why am I talking to Jenna you ask? Well, you know the answer, simply putting it Kyle had been ignoring me. That's probably why he was wearing a mini cape and bright red boxers along with a black mask all while declaring himself as 'Captain Underpants'. How did I let this happen you so curiously wonder? Maybe it was because I give in too easily or maybe it was the fact that Kyle was, clears throat, Kyle. 

     I ran a hand through my dark black hair and watched as he cheekily grinned with his hands on his hip. Let me tell you a little something. Kyle isn't being my actual sidekick, of course, don't tell him that. He would flip and when I say that I mean he will also flip anything in his way. I happened to be in his way so I appreciate if you could maybe shut up for just a bit until he realizes that being a sidekick isn't as awesome as he thinks it will be. I know what you're thinking right now. How? Because it's one of my many senses. Nah, I'm just playing with you. Goodness, you really need to stop believing everything you read. I'm sure I've mentioned that life lesson before but honestly. I tend to exaggerate things.

     This is what your thinking: Lucas! That's such a jerk move. Just let Kyle be your sidekick. And yeah your right it's a jerk move. How is it that your always right? Pfft. Truth be told I'm lying. Ha! You're actually wrong because it's really not a jerk move. By doing this I am giving Kyle a chance at something he really wants to do. I am allowing him to learn that what he wants isn't necessarily what he needs, and I know I really sound like a parent but we're just going to ignore that. Kyle believes that he should be my sidekick and through enabling him to be just that he will believe that being my sidekick isn't what he so desires.

     Wow, I'm so manipulative sometimes. Eh, it's fine. I'm not a good person. After all, I am the bad boy. Wink.

     "Captain Underpants is ready," Kyle dramatically raised his fist in the air.

     I fixed my mask and said, "Sure."

     Now before I continue taking about all this let me actually show you what brought me to this decision. I'll start off by letting you know how aggravated I had been feeling. Kyle was taking this too far. To the point where I was sitting next to Jeremiah. Cringe. I know, you're shuddering too. Next to Jeremiah on the other side was Kyle himself, still ignoring the best thing he has ever known in his life. Me.

     "Are you kidding me?" I whispered to Kyle having Jeremiah hear me too.

     He was kind of sandwiched between us, like grilled cheese or something. I was the bread he was the cheese and Kyle was the other slice of bread. Yeah, I know we've been through this. I have a weird perspective and way of metaphors. Hey, at least I'm original. And, yes that was me indirectly calling you unoriginal. I guess now it's actually direct since I just came out and said it. Hmm. Oh well. Shrugs.

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