Ꮚ Chapter 19 Ꮚ

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Ꮚ Chapter 19 Ꮚ

     A punch in the face is not how I imagined waking up after being kidnapped. Yeah, I know that's a lot to take in and it's pretty dramatic opening but it's true. They covered my eyes with a cloth and my hands and feet were tied to a wooden chair. I guess a normal and comfortable chair is just too much to ask when you're getting kidnapped. Obviously.

     I'd love to explain what is happening. I really would. The thing is I can't really do that since I don't know myself. Yup. We're both going to have to be confused together. Isn't that super exciting?

     "Unmask him," someone muttered.

     I listened to a number of heartbeats that were in the room and frowned. There are over ten people in here. What was I supposed to do? Well, I knew for a fact that I couldn't let them unmask me. I could let them take off the cloth, though. That way it would be easier for me to get out of this. Of course, when you're a superhuman like me, you can save yourself with your eyes closed. How? Because you're just that awesome.

      So when they sadly attempted to take whatever was covering my eyes off, I didn't let them. It was pretty funny actually. Especially when they got annoyed. They would try and reach for it and I moved my head. I was able to sense where they were going to go so it was really simple. I cracked a smirk when the guy tried going faster as if that would confuse me in some way. Instead, I moved my head away even quicker, with my superhuman speed.

     "Oh, you think you're funny aren't you?" Mr. Kidnapper with the groggy and disgusting scent said.

     "I'm not one to brag," I started with a chuckle. I am so one to brag. "But I'm freaking hilarious."

     He suddenly grabbed onto my hair and pulled it back harshly. I clicked my tongue as he whispered something into my ear. I assumed the revolting smell was from his breath and I tried not to gag.

     "Gosh," I groaned and wiped my ear against my shoulder. "Go brush your teeth or something."

     I earned a couple of laughs and snickers from the rest of the people in the room. See, I am funny. Of course, the guy who I said it to got extremely mad.

     "Did you not hear what I just said?" He yelled at me and grabbed a hold of the collar of my shirt.

     "I couldn't," I simply shrugged, how could I pay attention to whatever he said when his breath smelled so bad. "You're going to have to reiterate it if it's that important." Hehe, I said reiterate. How about some applause? 

     "I said," he repeated. I sensed him tense up. "That we will unmask you on live TV."

     "That is so cute," I laughed. "You think you're actually capable of doing that?"

     "We already sent in a video of you being here," he explained and somehow I knew he was smirking like he just won something. He has nothing to be victorious about. "We told them that if they want their precious hero back they have to release Razor!"

     "Razor?" I raised an eyebrow, trying to remember that familiar name. "Razor...Who's Razor?"

     "You don't even remember who you put in jail?" I think he's somehow even angrier with me than he was before.

     "Oh," I shot my head back when I realized who they were talking about. "You mean Razor Blade?"

     "Is that what you call him?"

     "Of course," I replied. "He's just so special that I had to give him a nickname."

     "Well, we're a part of his gang," he began and that's when I stopped listening.

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