Ꮚ Chapter 16 Ꮚ

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Ꮚ Chapter 16 Ꮚ

     I heard Kyle laughing as we both stared at his phone screen, "I told you so!"

     I furrowed my eyebrows together and frowned. What did he mean, I told you so? I thought long and hard and ended up ignoring his unnecessary remark. I bit my lips and looked at the screen once again. See, when you are a teenager from the 21st century you simply do not speak to your parents about emotions. Because that's just weird and you have the internet for that. So when I decided that I should start questioning what was up with me when I was around Jenna I confronted Google.

     Apparently, I had a crush.

     I know right? That's ridiculous. But Kyle thinks otherwise and claims that he knew of this all along. Let me explain to you what happened. I took Kyles phone, with curiosity raging in me and wrote: my heart beats fast when I see her. That's all I wrote and Google was like: Tips on How to Determine That You Have a Crush on Someone. Yeah, I know, savage move. Kyle nodded his head in agreement and told me that it's true.

     "Think about it," Kyle explained. "Every time you are around her you get nervous and your heart goes crazy. Those are clear symptoms of a crush. And you said that this is different to your Stanger Danger sense so that means this has no connections to your powers."

      "Yeah, but..." I trailed off once we walked into the cafeteria. "I can't possibly have a crush on her." I looked around the lunch room and smiled when I saw Jenna. "I can't."

     "You can and you do," he cheekily said. "Look how big your smile is. It's adorable to see you like someone."

     "I-I d-don't-," I was blushing hard and looked down.

     I inwardly slapped myself. Gosh, I'm acting freaking annoying. I need to stop blushing and I need to stop thinking. It's hurting my brain and I'd rather not destroy what's left of it. Even if it's full of stupidity.

     "You do," he confirmed for me by interrupting my complete denial. "Let's go sit with her."

     "Wait! What?"

     Before I knew it, we were both sitting across Jenna and her horribly named boyfriend, Eugene Pink. His aggravating blue eyes were set on my black ones in an almost warning way. It was cute, the fact that he thought he was the least bit threatening. Jenna smiled at both of us but I liked to believe that she was being polite when she was smiling at Kyle and when it came to me she was truly that happy to see me. Hmm...maybe I do have a crush.

     "Lucas," Mr. Pink hissed, emphasizing the s like he was a freaking snake. I'm sorry, but I can't call him Eugene, I just can't. I think I will stick with Mr. Pink. At least, it sounds somewhat better.

     "Yeah?" I narrowed my eyes and took a bite out of my sandwich. I'll admit it, guys. I took that bite in the most aggressive and hostile way possible. Just so I can seem a bit more scary to Mr. Pink. I watched as he just pursed his lips and crossed his arms over his chest. I smirked, feeling quite accomplished.

     "Hey, Eugene," Kyle grinned at him like it was okay. It wasn't okay. Kyle should know that if I didn't like someone he can't like them either. I mean I thought that was a given when it came to friendship. That was loyalty, but here he was greeting like he wasn't Jenna's boyfriend.

     Mr. Pink then did the weirdest thing. He smiled back and it wasn't one of those dirty smiles that he was sending me. It was one of those genuine and friendly smiles that I didn't know he was capable of. "Kyle," he laughed. "What's up?"

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