Part 28

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Third P.O.V

Hadria woke up to the sound of someone mumbling under their breath . She opened her eyes sleepily and found a house elf gazing at her . She gave it a beaming smile however the house elf scowled and start speaking something incoherent until Sirius showed up barking orders to the house elf to stop shouting .

"Good morning love . Are you feeling better ?"

"Yes thank you . I will leave to the Dursley's today . "

"Haddy baby , why ? I thought you want to stay with us ."

"I did but I ...I need to clear my mind Sirius and I doubt you or Remi can help me ."

"Hush nonsense . We will help you . Now let's go and get you breakfast . Remi is looking a feast down there . "

Hadria ad Siruis reached the dining room and found all sort of food present . Siruis barked like dog before indulging in it . Remus and Hadria looked at him amused until Siruis stared at them ignorantly . After breakfast Siruis brought them hot chocolate while Remus guided Hadria into the living room .

" Now , Haddy what happen last night ? "

"I aunt told me several facts about Snape Remi ."

"Snivellus ? How does the muggle knows him ?" Remus shot siruis a glare causing the animagus to whimper .

" I don't know for sure . However she told me that Snape actually fancied my mother for a long time . "

"That's true . Remember Remus , how that slime reacted when Prongs proposed and Lily-pad accept . It was damm disgusting . "

"Siruis , shut up . Haddy I ..."

"So you know . You know and you did not bother telling me this ? Why Remus ? I thought you kept telling everyone that i am your cub ? I
s this how you protect your cub . By letting her fall in love with the man who fancied her mother ?"


"Because i know this is how you will react . Haddy listen it is true that Severus fancied your mother . However I am sure that he did not just fall for you because of Lily . Severus is an Honorable man cub . Please just because of a few peoples opinion don't lose hope . I will support your decision but I would prefer if you ask him . "

"Remus you can't be serious "

"No that's you . Listen Pad foot your animosity with Severus is clouding your judgment. Listen we are no more at school understand ? Grow up "

"I am sorry remi . Haddy love he is right . However you are not going to go home. Wait I will write a letter to Harry asking him to bring you to the match . "

"NO. I don't want to disturb him . He deserve some quality time with his friends after last year's fiasco . I also doubt that Ronald would even want me there . I will just go back to the Dursley . This way none of you will be in trouble because of me . "

"Hadria potter , you get it in the thick skull of yours that No one here thinks you as a burden however Harry needs to spend time with you also . Family bonding after last year's fiasco . I and Pad foot can't follow you because he is still a wanted man . Today is also full moon . Do you understand ?"

"Yes Sir . " Hadria answered meekly . Siruis chuckled earning a glare from Remus .

After 30 minutes , Harry Potter came behind Remus. After a few rounds of hugs from Sirius , The whole family had lunch together . Harry then brought Hadria back to the burrow .

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