Grandma Gail

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I'm starting off with a bang. Hope you enjoy this chapter. The language is a little coarse. Please vote and comment. Going  to bed now. Night, my flying monkeys. ;)

"I suppose you're wondering why I brought you here." Gail reclines in her chair.

"Kinda." I take off my sweater. It's really hot in this resturant. My sweater also probably isn't worth the salt shaker on the table we're seated at. I lift a piece of sushi to my mouth.

"Well, darling. The moment I saw you in that store, I knew. I knew it could only be you." She runs her blue eyes over my features. "Why with those eyes and that nose... I can't wait to get to know you."

"Excuse me?" I lean forward with my elbows on the table. My elbow slips and the salt shaker lands on the surface. Oh no. Without hesitation I pick it up and dump a pinch of salt in my hand before throwing it over my left shoulder.

"What was that?" Gail watches my shoulder where the salt disappeared behind.

"What? Oh, the salt. Well, if you spill salt you have to throw salt over your left shoulder because the devil sits there so you can blind him. If you don't you get bad luck." I explain. Her expression makes me blush. I pick up another piece of sushi.

"Anyway," Gail continues, " you are my granddaughter."

The sushi falls onto my lap. Holy crap. I can't say it wasn't in the back of my mind, but to have it confirmed is crazy.

"Close your mouth, dear, you'll catch flies. "

"What do mean I'm your granddaughter?" My eyes are the size of saucers.

"My daughter is your mother. Your real mother. And we are going to meet them tomorrow at a family cookout." My newfound grandmother eyes me as if I am a skittish animal about to flee.

"What? No!" People start to stare so I lower my voice to a dangerous tone. "Listen, Gail, she gave me up once. Why would she want to see me again after all these years?"

"Not just your mother. Your father will be there too."

"They're married?" I ask.

"Heavens no! They were highschool sweethearts. Then you happened and they stayed together until highschool was finished." She becomes more serious. "With university your mother found an escape. She wanted  to forget about you. About the fact that she would no longer be remembered as cheerleading captain or prom queen but the girl that got knocked up."

"And my appearance in her life will just disrupt that, reminding her of it again." I give her a look. "It will be like a stab to the heart. And what about her current life? I am going to disrupt all of that."

"Nonsense. Clara will have a shock of course but I know that Brandt knows about you. His son Theo is a sweetheart just a few years older than yourself and then there is Kiersten."

I interrupt. "And my dad? What about him? I don't think he wants me, a mistake from the time he took off her pants and blouse but forgot to cover his mouse, to intrude on his life."

"Did you just say what I think you said?" My grandmother gapes.

"Yes, I did. Now can we please think reasonably?" For the second time that day I consider that this woman may have skipped her meds.

"Don't you want a chance to meet your mother? Your father? Your half-siblings?" She ventures.

"I have half-siblings?"

"Yes. Your father has a girl and a boy. And your mother has a little girl with her husband. Now do you want to meet them or not?"

I take a deep breath.

Morgan Is The Bomb (The M' s Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now