Get In Loser

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We waltz our way down to the subway. Nothing seems to important or worrying. The air feels electric. Parties aren't really my scene, but I think tonight I need it. 

"Come on, slowpoke! We're gonna be late." Daphne calls from down the street. 

She runs back to me with a wide smile, grabs my hand and tugs me to the subway. On the train itself we get bored. 

"Morgana..." Daphne leans her head on my shoulder. "How much longer is this going to take?" 

I shake my head. 

"I can't take you places, Daphne. You have a really short attention span." I tease.

The subway is a great place to people watch. My eyes flicker over the waves of faces. Strange to think that each of these people have their own intricate lives. There is the worn face of the older man. His eyes jump from movement to movement. A young woman's eyes droop as her children use her as a jungle gym. 

I wonder what they see when they look at me? A girl trying to grow up too fast? A girl trying to escape? 

Boredom soon takes over and Daphne and I take out our phones. I had a brief conversation with Margot and Marnie. Apparently Marnie's brother is in the city somewhere checking out a university. I finish up the conversation and start playing Candy Crush. 

Daphne's head swirls around. She really can't sit still. She shifts herself into a new position. The adrenaline is pumping through her veins. Parties make her hyper. It's the anticipation; the thrill.

The train finally starts to slow. We stop. Our small party of late-night companions file out. 

"Yay! Yay! Yay!" the children jump up and down.

The youngest one pulls on her mother's arm and declares, "Come on, Mommy! I wanna see Daddy."

Relief floods the woman's face at the thought of passing them off to her partner. 

There aren't many of us so they're all out pretty quickly. Daphne and I are of the last to exit as the new rush of passengers, who are going to have a far more cramped ride than us, flood in.

"How do we know who is supposed to pick us up?" I ask after scanning the desolate street.

Daphne shrugs. "They'll pop up," is her reply. 

When a car comes down the road at a slow pace, almost creepily, as though the driver is looking for something, I stiffen. This is sooooo creepy. 

"I think that's them." Daphne squints. 

I mutter in return, "Or it's a serial killer."

She pushes me lightly with her elbow. 

"Don't be so negative, Morgan."

The car stops in front of us. I give Daph the look that says 'You're going to get us killed'. The car isn't exactly road-worthy. The window rolls down with a screech of protest. A girl with cornrows looks at us from over her glasses. 

"Are you two Daphne and Morgan?" 

We nod together. 

"I thought Morgan was a guy." She sounds slightly disappointed. 

Daphne opens the passenger side door and starts to get in. In a flash I follow suit. "I'm Daphne. Morgan's the brunette. To be fair, I thought you were going to be a guy too. So we're even." 

Our driver lets out a honey-sweet laugh. "I'm Sheri. Darwin's girlfriend." 

"Darwin?" I can't help but rack a grin. 

Morgan Is The Bomb (The M' s Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now