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It's almost creepy to be here. I hunch my shoulders out of reflex and march toward the cafe. Julian better be inside or he's wasting my time. Low and behold, he's waiting in a booth in the corner of the cafe with menus ready. He waves me over. He hasn't particularly done much effort. He is wearing a plain blue T-shirt with the Superman logo plaster across the chest and jeans with a charcoal canvas jacket. 

"You're actually here," he says. 

"A promise is a promise." I shrug before taking a seat across from him. 

"Gail's pissed. So is Ren. And Theo," he adds.

"Good to know," I say dryly. While opening a menu I ask," Anything good to eat on here? I'm starving."

"They have great pasta." He blinks then leans forward onto his for-arms. "Morgan, do you have any comprehension of how worried they are?"

"Gail knew exactly where I was headed. I did send a message. And I'm not stupid." I flip through the laminated pages. "Besides, just because the people I want to hangout with aren't rich doesn't mean there is anything wrong with them. And is it even SUCH a big deal? I mean, don't Theo and them ever sneak out or stay out all night?"

"Well, yeah, but you are a good-two-shoes and, no offense, but the parents have a pretty good idea of what kind of people their kids are having parties with." Julian reveals. 

"They'll just have to get over it then," I tell him angrily. "Now what is it you wanted me here for?" 

"To apologise, in part," he admits. 

"What can I get you two?" A chirpy voice asks.

I hadn't even noticed the waitress's appearance. 

"The usual for you, Julian?" She angles her body towards him. 

He nods with a cocky smile. It seems to me that he has no other kind of smile. 

I clear my throat. "I'll have a croissant and a café latte, please." 

"Sure, kid." She tucks her notepad into her apron pocket. 

"So?" I lean forward onto my elbows. Lazily, I draw swirls onto the polished wood. "You'll need to talk fast. I have a feeling my daylight hours are running out." 

"Well, I am sorry. I know you got a lot of shit for what we did. I know Anastasia hates your guts and Soph isn't particularly excited by your existence either--"

"It takes two to tango and it's not like their approval is a make or break." I shrug. 

"Anyway," he continues, " I like you, I really do, but Sopheary and I have--

"A history," I finish. "I've heard." I pick through the sachets of sugar on the table. 

Julian sheepishly asks," Kiersten?" 

I nod. "She couldn't resist telling me."

"She never could keep her mouth shut about anything." He says bitterly. 

"So," I continue to lower my voice as the waitress arrives with our drinks. "You're the bad boy Disney prince and she's the princess, almost literally in her case."

"Thanks." Julian barely looks at the waitress. "Yeah." He sighs. "I...I've always had a thing for her, you know? But with her family and her wanting to go back to Iluksav, she stays rather distant." 

"Sopheary is rather distant." I stress. 

"Listen," he takes my hand, "you are great. And I think we have more in common than you'd like to admit."

Morgan Is The Bomb (The M' s Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now