Mom, Dad and Picket Fencing

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Hi, guys. Thanks for reading. Hope you all have or had a lovely day. Enjoy. Like and comment please and thank you! Emma.

For the third time that Saturday afternoon, I checked my make-up. It wasn't much. Merely plain and simple, barely noticeable as I demanded that we only use neutral colours.

Daphne was ecstatic when she found out. "You've got some luck, Morgana Cardea Sweeny. I wish I could meet my birth parents." She said wistfully. The longing rang clear as a bell in her voice. "Just once."

I was grateful that she told me this while she applied lipstick to my perlique lips. I had no reply. I am grateful, I guess. At some time or other every kid in the system has one of two dreams: to become the next Annie or to have their parents return for them claiming that it was all a horrendous mix-up.

I've dreamt about it. Thought about it. But I never wished for it. I'm too cynical for that. Reality is a bitch. Reality is that the birth parents you dreamt of probably don't exist and the real ones are going to be a huge let down. I am prepared for almost any scenario.

It's one dinner. What could go SO wrong?

If it's that bad then all's well. I don't have to see them ever again. It's one dinner. Just to meet them. Just once.

I turn my head to examine the masterpiece Daphne pulled off on my face when Rhoda calls. I hesitate. The blood has started pumping viciously through my veins and the adrenaline has kicked in.

"Calm down. You'll do great." Daphne gives me a thumbs up. "And I'll make sure I'm up when you get back so you can tell me all about it." She picks up on the severity of my nerves. "Just smile, Doll. Nobody can resist a smile."

I nod, smiling briefly before, going the room. I come down the stairs in a similar manner to a herd of elephants. The strange tingling sensation bubbling inside me like a bubble bath about to overflow.

Downstairs, Rhoda is already in her dressing gown with curlers in her hair. It is quite comical to see her, in her laidback state of dress, next to Gail who is impeccably outfitted. Her hair is done in a chic bun with minimal yet noticeable make-up. She is wearing a knee-length jade green wrap dress with cream point-toe Mary Jane heels covered by a cream Chesterfiled.

I gulp. I was under the impression this was just dinner at home but the woman has gone to town! I look down, examining my own outfit. I have a charcoal bomber jacket, a sapphire blue shirt with a straight across neckline and boot-cut black denims (which Jo lent to me weeks ago and I have yet to return) paired with well-worn black sneakers. My hair is merely in a ponytail.

"Morgan, how lovely to see you again." Gail smiles. "I trust your ready to go?" I nod. "Wonderful! We'll be back by eleven, Rene. Don't wait up."

Rhoda huffs at Gail' s mix up. The malice tone Gail used makes me wonder if it was on purpose.

"Are you excited?" Asks Gail as we put on our seatbelts. The interior of the car is so clean, I'm afraid to touch anything.

"I think so." I grimace. 

We drive off. Everything is moving so quickly. I have no idea where we are going. All I see is houses flying past me. 

We park outside of a what can only be described as a mansion. The white picket fence looks idyllic in the afternoon sun with golden rays shining down on the picture-perfect  garden. There are various other cars that could only belong to the rich, close by.  She leads the way to the front door and knocks.

Minutes pass with no reply. Maybe they won't open the door because they don't want to meet me? I shift my weight to my other leg and wrap arms around myself. Gail notices my apprehension.

Morgan Is The Bomb (The M' s Series #1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon