Prophecies and Monopoly

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"I think I've had enough vitamin D for today." Marnie puts on her plaid shirt. "How about we go down that end of the broadwalk? I haven't been there yet."

I immediately shoot up. "I'm coming! I am starving."

We head on to the part of the boardwalk seemingly dedicated to tourists. It takes us a while to find a restaurant we can actually afford.

"This is hopeless," Marnie throws her arms in the air, "Let's get takeaways. Everything else costs an arm and a leg."

"Yeah. This is the tourist trap." Margot looks around at the brightly coloured signs. "And that's saying something when the residents are rich af."

There are hawkers and games that dot the walk.

"That place looks good." I point at a healthy take-away place with a heavy plant theme.

A few minutes later we stroll down the tourist traps with interest. The harbour isn't too far off either. Yachts bop up and down in the crystal water off in the distance. Suddenly Margot's elbow pokes me in the side.

"Guys, look over there!" She exclaims almost bouncing. "A fortune teller."

Sure enough a deep plum sign hangs above the curtained 'door' of a tent. 'Madam Nimue' is written in gold, curvy cursive. We move closer when a man steps out. He is perhaps thirty with huge muscles and a heavy frown.

"You want to see the fortune teller, no?" He enquires in a heavy accent I can't place.

"Yes, please." Margot replies eagerly.

"How much will it cost?" I note that there are no prices anywhere.

His hard gaze lands on me.

"Twenty dollar per head."

That's quite expensive for some fake carnival hoax. Marnie looks skeptical too.

"Come on guys," Margot pleads, "pretty please with a cherry on top?"

"Listen to yellow-hair friend." The man grunts. "You not regret meeting my wife."

"I'm in." Marnie shrugs.

I hand over the money as do Marnie and Margot. We enter the tent where we are flooded with the heavy smell of incense. The whole door is dark despite the candles place throughout the room. In the center sits a woman of no more than thirty.

"Welcome. My name is Nimue." She motions to another compartment of curtain. "Only one at a time, please. Do not yet tell me your names or reveal any other information if you wish for an accurate reading. Please, all three can join me inside."

We shrug at each other, casually entering the room. Margot sits down as Nimue places three candles on her table. We follow Margot's example. Nimue lights the first one before asking for our hands. All three of us hold hands. Nimue takes hold my own and Margot's since Marnie is in the middle.

"You all have names starting with same letter...M," Nimue acknowledges. "There is M. F.; M. T. and M. C."

There isn't any M. T here. I am M. S.

"M. T has strongest yearn for help at this moment. She has decisions to face which she does not want to. There is conflict coming which will last until she truly knows who she is. And that is in much time. Both sides will tempt and pull using tricks and gifts, but neither will claim."

I feel Nimue squeeze my hand tighter then release.

"M. C has yet to realise what she lacks. When she does her soul will want with such desire she will run. Her life will fly away from her." Marnie gulps at the ominous prediction.

Morgan Is The Bomb (The M' s Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now