Seeking M's

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The next morning I feel great.  No nausea and no chills. I still feel weak as a baby chick. I stay in bed most of the morning where I have breakfast (which stays down!). It seems like I had a 24-hour thing.

Isla is still hesitant to let me around the kids, not that I blame her. Ren takes me to the shops to get stuff for me like essentials. The car ride is consumed by small talk. It's adequate. He asks me how I am and everything.

At the shops it is awkward getting tampons along with my other stuff in front of my dad. Luckily Ren is distracted by the aray of people he knows. On the way back he tells me that I managed to get Kiersten sick. I freak out that I've started an epidemic. He explains that poor Kiersten will merely be kept on quarintine to prevent anyone else getting sick.

Another thing hits me on the way back: my birthday is in two days. The big one six. I am surprised Ren, Clara nor Gail have said anything. After all, I did kind of rock their world. Then again maybe they don't want a reminder.

I think I'll celebrate my birthday all by myself. In fact, I have a plan.

"You're back." Isla says with a hint of surprise when we walk through the door.

"Yep." I scroll through my phone for Margot and Marnie's numbers.

"Hey, Morgan." Isla appears from the bedroom. "Listen we are doing dinner at next door's tomorrow. "

"Okay." I type my message to the girls about tomorrow.

"I thought you were with the kids?" She frowns.

"Nope." I send Jo a message to see how it's going.

"How responsive," Isla remarks sarcastically.

"Sorry." I put my phone in my pocket. "But I might be spending tomorrow afternoon with friends..."

"Which friends?" Ren inquires.

I touch my ear. "New ones. Two girls I met at the beach the other day. Marnie and Margot. They are nice girls." I add.

"Their last names?"

"Clementine and Fraser."

Isla frowns. "Never heard of them."

"That's because they aren't from those kind of families. Well, Margot definitely isn't and I doubt Marnie is."

"Morgan!" Miles prances in. "Play cars wit me, please!"

My heart melts. The kid is a gem. As I follow him to his room, I can't help but wonder what kind of boy he will be in twelve or thirteen years.

When Miles has a nap I see that Jo has replied that all is well, but she and Eli are still at odds. Sol has woken up in the meantime and Isla and Ren are busy with lunch. I don't mind. Sol gurgles and giggles as I attempt to entertain her outside on the deck. The moment she starts to smell I pass her off to one of her parents.

I watch the way Isla and Ren interact. It's like a romance movie. They are the couple who admits everything isn't perfect nor that it has to be and yet, they are. They are still attentive to one another and whisper things when they think no one is watching.

Lunch outside, looking out at the sea, makes the world seem perfect. Like it isn't possible for evil to taint the world. And if it did exist, that it was a million miles away. Maybe that's the thing about people like this. They don't think about the terrible parts of life. They bury it in the back of their brain somewhere and never bother to take another look.

Similarly, they suppress experiences that don't go down well in history. It makes a lot of sense. That, I assume from what I've seen, Julian can not do. He functions on emotions. He lives in the moment. Which explains all the situations he gets himself into.

Morgan Is The Bomb (The M' s Series #1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon