My Romeo

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Gail has me living in solitude. It's been five days since the party and I've had no other human contact other than Gail's book club. My data is running out and I finished my book. My magazines are going to perish if I page through them again

I've been a perfectly good girl. I haven't back-chatted or snuck-out again. I have been cordial and polite. This is going to a week and bordering on ridiculous. What else am I supposed to do? What more does she want from me? 

Gail's vow of silence is still on-going. It is starting to drive me insane. Without her constant jabbering it leaves for a lot of self-reflection. This is terrible. The whole vibe between the two of us is off.  I don't know how to fix it. I have apologised. What more can I do? 

None of the others have spoken to me either--not even Theo. I have spoken to Margot and Marnie as well as Jo and Daphne. Of course Silas and I have been talking whenever possible. Silas is so sweet and I really like him. 

A ping distracts me from the documentary about the Sahara on tv.

You free to go out yet??

Silas's message comes through. Awwww. He's asked me that everyday so far. 

Nope. Not yet.

...We'll have to make another plan. Is the warden home?

She's out for cigarettes.

A minute or so later he replies with 'Good...'. 

A knock sounds at the door. With my phone in hand I get up when another message comes through.

Because I am at your door.

Delight courses through my veins. I rip the door open in excitement. 

"Surprise." Silas shrugs sheepishly. 

I approach him but hesitate. I've been speaking to him so I feel like I know him. I haven't had that much face-to-face contact with what the hell? I've already had his tongue in my mouth. I throw my arms around his neck. 

"So, what's all this about?" I can't help but ask. 

Silas pulls back slightly. "I wanted to see you, " he says casually. 

Butterflies flutter in my stomach when he puts his arm around my shoulder. "I'm glad you came. Would you still have come even Gail was here?"

"It was sort of a spontaneous decision so it was a sink or swim thing. I do have flowers in the car though for in case," he admits with a grin. 

"Thank you," I tell him sincerely. "But you're going to get me in trouble." 

"In that case..." he turns to the door to leave. 

I grab him by the arm laughingly. "Don't you dare! I haven't had human contact for days."

"I'm happy to be of service." Suddenly, he is in my space. A moment passes between us, both unsure if we are allowed to breach the bubble of personal space, neither backs down. This can't be allowed to turn into a make-out session. 

"But I will need to hide you, so follow me upstairs." I lead him. He falters; stopping in the middle of the room. "Come on," I encourage. "I won't bite." 

"Are we your bedroom?" He chokes. 

I nod coyly. He joins me on the staircase.

"This is my bedroom. It is in a state at the moment, but that's Gail's fault." I babble as I swing the door open. "The magazines are going to fall apart I've been through them so many times and I even re-read--"

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