When the Dog Bites, When the Bee Stings...

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"So this is the stuff on sale, but don't worry. This isn't like other places. So this stuff isn't crappy or old." Margot starts digging up clothes.

I grab a blouse. "I don't recognise the label."

"Of course you don't," Margot says handing Marnie a green maxi dress with floral print. "It's all hand-made by Tallulah and her friends, Clover and Rain."

"Clover and Rain? What interesting names." Marnie remarks as she holds the dress up to her body.

"Yeah, I know. Clover's boyfriend's name is Kale so it sounds like you are ordering plants for a garden." Margot stands back to let us dig.

"So your sister is a designer?" I put down the blouse.

Margot crosses her legs. "Nah, Lula can't draw a stick figure." She snorts. "Rain is the designer. Why? You one too?"

"I wish I could be one. I mean, I know a lot about fashion, but it isn't a very prosperous career. Like there are lots of risks." I quickly try to cover my offense. "Besides, I only turn sixteen on July 7th. I still have lots of time to choose."

"Isn't that...like in four days?" Marnie moves around some more clothes.

"Yeah. I mean tomorrow is Fourth of July." Margot start to sift through the nearest rack of clothes.

"Holy cow." I drop the shirt. "I'm sorry." I retrive it. "I forgot the date. I didn't realise what tomorrow is."

"Can't believe I am older than you." Margot remarks. "I turned sixteen three weeks ago. How about you Marnie?"

"I turn sixteen next month. Hey, mind if I try this on?"

"Knock yourself out." Margot shrugs. "You know, I want to be an artist. So it's the artist, the designer and...what do you think Marnie wants to be? Probably something fancy like a doctor."

"I want to be a designer, but I plan on becoming a lawyer," I correct her.

Margot stares at me. "No shit? Why? Are you no good something?"

" A lawyer is more practical."

"So you give up on your dream because 'it isn't practical'? That's stupid." Margot crosses her arms over her chest.

I explain that it isn't the only reason, that I also have no experience and it's too late to start.

"It's never too late to start." Margot shakes her head. "And I mean, come on! Take a chance and give it a go."

By this time Marnie is back and it is my turn to go to the dressing room. It is nothing to be exicited about. A graphic t-shirt with a weird smiley face on it.

"This one wants to be an accountant!" Margot groans when I return.

"It's a good career!" Marnie challenges.

"Looks like you'll never win, Margot." I laugh.

Even these two fit better with me than Anastasia and them. They must think I've been kidnapped or something.

"Hey, Margot, thanks for the shirt. I really have to go." I head for the door.


I am surprised to find that it is Marnie.

"Can we...hangout again later? Or exchange numbers? Because I am here with my aunt and cousin for some 'girl time' and you two are honestly the most interesting people I have met. And I don't want to throttle you guys whenever you speak to me." Marnie begs.

"I've made friends!" Margot fist pumps.

"Okay." I say.

We exchange numbers and find each other on Instagram before departing. I still have the money Kiersten gave me. I spot a smoothie place which is probably where Marnie's came from. I am already late so I might a well.

Morgan Is The Bomb (The M' s Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now