A Royal Invite

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"Earth to Morgan." Gail waves her fork in front of my eyes.

"Yeah?" I ask before taking another bite of my second helping on scrambled egg.

Gail frowns. "You've been awfully quiet. Cat got your tongue?"

"I'm fine." I grab another slice of toast.

Gail sighs. Again. I roll  my eyes. She doesn't wait long before collecting the dishes and placing them in the dishwasher. She extends a hand for my plate.

"I'm still busy," I say with my mouth full.

"We don't have all day to eat, Shaggy. I have to get you to school then I have a bookclub meeting..." I switch off as she starts to list all her activities for the day. " So...what do you think?"


"That's rude, Morgan. Say 'excuse me'," she berrates. "Now what do you think about a spa day. Shopping. Maybe a stylist." Her cerulean eyes sweep over my chocolate brown explosion which today I'd done in the most low-maintence style ever: a ponytail.

"Okay," I say with my eyes on my nails. "Sure. Thank you. That would be nice."

"Could I invite Isla?" Gail asks later when she's driving me to school.

"I'm fine with it either way." I shrug.

Truth be told, Jo's visit has affected me more than I care to admit. And I may be a little pensive at the moment. Gail drops me off with a crease in her brow. She knows something is up. Nothing gets past her.

"Have a nice day."

"Thanks. You too." I can hear the lack of emotion in my voice.

I move through school relatively unoticed with a hint of mindless zombie. I spend my off time in the library, preparing for finals. At lunch I accidently walk into Julian. I mumble an apology and he regards me with a once-over and a snarl. I lift my hands up in surrender and carry on. I don't even notice it's him until I look up to apologise. When I add the last of my food to my tray, someone approaches me.

"Heya, Morgana." A slightly familiar voice says.

I place a sache of tomato sauce on my tray. "Morgan. Morgana makes me think of the evil witch." I look up to see a shy smile and thick glasses. "Theo. Right?"

"Yeah." He smiles. "Listen, I'd like to invite to a party at my house Friday."

"Friday? Like this Friday?" I interrupt.

Theo cocks his head to the side. "Yeah."

"It's like, the week before finals." I look up at the tall seventeen year-old in concern. "I've got to study."

Theo isn't deterred. "You have a whole week. And if you do that terribly, you can hold me personally accountable for your bad grades. Think about it. It's a get-out-of-jail-free card." He extends his hands like he is in the middle of a sales pitch.

I mull it over.

"It isn't like Gail is going to object...chances are she'll give you a bottle of vodka as a party gift." He sees the shock on my face. "I thought you city people were used to it?"

I say, "I am but--"

He places an arm around my shoulder. He uses the other to present a wall to me. "Think about it, M. I can show you the world."

I chuckle. "All right, Aladin. I'll be there."

He sure is a charmer. "Fantastic!" he declares. "I can almost guarantee that you'll have the time of your life."

Morgan Is The Bomb (The M' s Series #1)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat