The Truth Hurts

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Fair warning:  A good amount of bad language etc. Sorry for the terribly long absence. Will say more about  that at the bottom. This chapter is up with a lot of hesitance. Comment, like, etc. Love to hear feedback. 


It takes thirty minutes for Miles to fall asleep and Sierra holds out for an extra fifteen. 

"Shit," Anastasia says under her breath, "here."

Sopheary gladly accepts her prize.

"You naughty girl," Julian laughs. "Gambling is a terrible vice."

Sopheary twirls a strand of platinum blonde hair. Piteous. My jealousy and their actions.

Theo hushes them. When Julian frowns, Theo points to the kids. Strange that I keep referring to them as kids yet in reality we are ones too.

"Let's go back outside." Anastasia suggests.

"But it's so cold." Sopheary shivers at the thought.

Julian shrugs off his jacket. "Never fear, my dear."

"You guys go ahead." I tell them. "My jacket is in the kitchen."

"Don't get lost. Again." Theo frowns at me.

When I return to the patio there are candles and patio lights on. Everyone is lounging around obviously waiting for me.

"Great, you're back." Kiersten grins.

"I don't like that smile." I sit down.

Theo informs me that I shouldn't. At my raised brow Julian explains.

"We've decided on a friendly game of truth or dare."


"Oh." Kiersten nods knowingly.

"Scared?" Anastasia asks.

I grimace. "Hesitant."

"I volunteer." Of course Theo would.

He scans our grinning face. "Anastasia."

The girl in question eyes her boyfriend. "Dare."

He thinks for a moment. "I dare you to use a foreign accent for the next 5 minutes."

"Please, piece of cake," Anastasia says in terrible Russian accent. "Now Sopheary."

The girl squeaks in surprise. "Dare?"

"I dare you to belly dance for us." There is mischievous glint in her eye.

"But I can't...I am not..." Sopheary stutters. "Oh alright."

Anastasia takes it upon herself to supply music.

Sopheary awkwardly starts to move. It takes her little encouragement, but soon enough she is comfortable with the movement of her body. She actually starts to enjoy it. All the eyes watching. I mean who doesn't like attention in the scheme of things? She has a big smile by he time she is done.

"Okay." She sits down. "Kiersten. Truth or dare?"

"Truth." She shrugs.

Sopheary bites her lip before consulting her best friend. When Anastasia nods the girl asks, "When was your first kiss?"

Kiersten gapes. "Sophie!"

"Please, sister, do tell." Theo leans forward in his seat.

Kiersten turns her head nervously. "The summer before freshman year."

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