Chapter 3 "Healed?"

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As Garnet carried you to the orphanage which wasn't too far away, it became silently awkward. To break that silence, you say, "How do you know where the orphanage is?" She smirked at you. "I have my ways." Not wanting to know how, you said,"Okay then." Then you just stayed silent the rest of the walk. When you got there, Garnet told you too sit down in a chair that was on the other side of the room while she explains what happened. You nodded. She set you down, and walked over to the desk. She started talking and you were trying to listen, but you couldn't make out what they were saying. The woman handed Garnet a paper, and she signed it. "Why would she sign papers for taking me back to my orphanage? Maybe because of my injuries?" You thought to yourself. Garnet turned and walked back to you. "Great news! You're coming to live with us for a while! I told the woman that since you were injured, you could stay with us for a while. Four weeks to be exact! You just need to grab your stuff because you're not going to come back here everyday." You smiled and jumped up in happiness. "Really?!" You then fell down because you forgot you had a hurt leg. Although it hurt, you still laughed at your forgetfulness. "Haha! C'mon, let me take you back." Garnet laughed as she picked you up like a baby. As she took you back, you both exchanged jokes and puns. You kept on laughing although it hurt. When you finally arrived at the temple, you saw Steven and Amethyst playing a game, while Pearl was training with her spear in the living room. She finally notices you and Garnet a little worried. You saw this and said,"What's wrong Pe-" you got cut off by Steven, "Y/N!" He said excited. Amethyst cut in. "Hey y/n! Glad you're back!" Pearl walked over to you and Garnet and said, "Yes, it is great that she's back, but Garnet I thought you were going to take her back to the orphanage. What happened?" Garnet set you down on the stairs. "Since she was hurt, I decided for her to live with us for a couple weeks. At least until she healed." Steven suddenly remembered, "Wait, I have healing powers don't I?" Everybody except you went, "Oh yeah!" You were confused. "What?" You asked. Steven turned to you. "Yeah. I have healing powers. I'm a half gem human!" You had just remembered you never told Steven that you're half gem human too. You looked at your g/c gem. "Steven, I actually am a half human, gem too." He looked at you with stars in his eyes. "REALLY?! No wonder you know about gems!" Steven exclaimed happily. "But you think I have powers?" Steven put His hand on your shoulder. "You've got to." Then he smiled, and then you smiled. (Foreshadowing?:3) "So how does your healing power work?" "Oh...this might be weird, but I have healing spit." He said nervously. "Oh. So what should I do?" You ask awkwardly. "Lift up your arm." You did as he said. He licked his hand and he put it under your arm on the side of your ribs. There was a slight pause and you had been disgusted at the fact that he put his spit on you. "Grooooosss." You laughed. Everybody stared at you when there was a sudden glow coming from you. All of a sudden, the pain went away. "Guys, it doesn't hurt anymore!" You squealed. Then you took off your bandages. You were as good as new! You were surprised at the fact that Steven actually did have powers that you almost fell off the stairs. You got scared until Garnet had caught you. "Now don't go hurting yourself again." Garnet smirked at you. You smiled at her. "Oh yeah. Thanks." You blushed at the embarrassment. She set you down and you tried to walk. "I can walk again! >:3" you said, starting to run around the living room. Amethyst started giggling at your silliness. After a couple seconds of you running around, Pearl then stopped you. "Alright. Now that you're healed, we can take you back to the orphanage. Right Garnet?" Garnet seemed upset, but then looked at you and smiled. "But Pearl, the orphanage doesn't know that." She smirked, and you picked up what she was implying, and started smiling widely. "She can still stay here for those couple weeks, since the orphanage thinks we're taking care of her." Garnet continued. Pearl looked at you, then Garnet. "Garnet, are you sure?" Garnet then nodded at Pearl, and said, "I'm positive!" You jumped in excitement, along with Amethyst and Steven. "Wooho! Time to get this party started!" Amethyst exclaimed. The first thing you went for, is Garnet. You hugged her tightly. "Thank you Garnet." You whispered to yourself.


Sorry for not being active for the past couple days! I've been busy with school, Halloween, and I had recently gotten sick. Please understand that I'm trying my best to update as much as I can. Thanks! <3

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