Chapter 4 "Settling In"

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     You and Steven had been watching crying breakfast friends, until Garnet walked in from her room. "I just remembered, we have to get y/n all settled in." You both looked at each other, then at Garnet.
"Where is she going to sleep?" Steven asked.
Garnet paused. "...hmm...she can choose where she wants to sleep, when she wants."
You looked at her excitedly. "Really?!"
Garnet nodded.
"Aaawwww no fair!" Steven said.
You knew he didn't care about it much and that he was more happy for you than upset. You then smiled at him and looked at Garnet. "Do I have to pick now?" you asked.
Garnet shook her head, "No, but you do need to unpack. And Steven has to help you." You both got up and unzipped your bag.
You and Steven started looking through your clothes, and Garnet walked into her room to give you guys space. Steven then picked up your panties and bra and he asked, "Where do I put these?" You blushed red, slapped him with a shirt, and quickly grabbed the clothes he was holding.
Then you put them on the floor and looked at Steven with a serious look. "Ya don't grab a girl's underwear." you said.
Steven replied, "Oh. Sorry. I've never lived with a human girl. Or half human, at least."
You calmed down, understanding its not his fault, and kept looking through your clothes. "It's okay" you said.
"Oh! Steven! I forgot, I think I have something for you!" You pulled out a pink jacket with a white star on it.
"Wow! Thanks y/n!" He put it on. "It fits perfectly!" He said.
"Oh wow. I thought it wouldn't fit you because it fit me when I was like 9." You said giggly.
Steven smiled. "Well I have been told that I look younger for my age." You both laughed.
"Anyway, let's get back to getting you settled in." Steven said as he turned to your suitcase.
"Right." You replied.
You started folding your jeans, leggings, and other kinds or pants, along with your underwear, while Steven helped by folding shirts, sweaters, socks, and putting beanies together. After folding, Steven said you could put your shirts and pants next to his, under the stairs. And your underwear, socks, and beanies in some drawers that he never uses. You both put in the things and then fell on the bed, tired. You then looked at the temple door and said, "What is that?" Steven looked up at you.
"What is what?" He asked.
"That." You pointed at it.
Steven then got up and said, "Oh, that's the temple door. It contains the rooms of all the gems, including me."
"Do I have a room?" You asked.
"No, it only has the rooms of the official Crystal Gems, but I can take you into my moms/my room!" He told you, holding out his hand.
You took his hand, and he pulled you into this pink cloud room. "Woah!" You said with stars in your eyes.
He asked you if you liked it and you said yeah. "Also, I can wish for anything I want and it just gives it to me. Like this...I want...a basketball court!"
Suddenly, a basketball court appeared next to you, and a ball appeared in Steven's hand. He then ran up to the hoop, jumped, and did a slam dunk. "Woah! Awesome!" You yelled.
Then it just disappeared into clouds. "What else can this place do?" You asked.
"We can go into the bubble room from here." He replied.
"Whats the 'bubble' room?" You asked.
"I'll show, I want to go to the bubble room. The real one." He said, as the clouds revealed a pole leading down something.
"Thank you!" He said. "C'mon!" He told you as you ran toward him.
"If we slide down here, we will end up at the bubble room."
You looked over and down the pole. It looked so far down. You then ran backwards and fell on the clouds. "Steven, I'm afraid of heights." You told him.
He smiled and grabbed your hand. "Its okay y/n. I'll hold you tightly so you don't get hurt and you can close your eyes if you want."
You paused. "Okay."
You took his hand, and slide down the pole screaming. You slowly stopped screaming as you started slowing down. When you finally arrived, you saw Garnet. "What is she doing?" You whispered to Steven as he sat next to you.
"I don't know. It looks like she's trying to contain a corrupted gem." He whispered back to you.
"Y/n, I think we should go back." He said, starting to get up.
You leaned forward because you've never experienced something like this before. "Hold on I wanna see this for a little while longer." You whispered.
You leaned forward even more until you slipped off the pole. You grabbed Steven's shirt as a reflex, and fell on the ground. You then looked up and noticed Garnet staring at you both.


Hope this isn't too short! :3 And if it is, so sorry about that. <3

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