Chapter 11 "Dangit Ame!"

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If you've already watched Gem Harvest, Great! Because I am going to skip to the eating part. If you haven't watched it, go do that!

~~~Time Skip!~O.o~~~

     After eating so much and being so drowsy, you finally passed out on the table. You just layed there, snoring. Garnet then walked over to you and sat down next to you. She noticed you were drooling and giggled at that. Then you woke up. "Have a good night sleep?" Garnet asked you.  You then noticed you were drooling. You blushed a bright red from embarrassment and cleaned up the drool with a napkin. Then Garnet started laughing, and you slowly started laughing at yourself too. After calming down, there was a slight pause. Then you scooted closer to Garnet and put your head on her shoulder, and Garnet wrapped her arm around your waist to hold you closer. You took a deep breath as you heard Andy finally act friendly around the gems. "Humph. At least he's being less of an angry baby." You said as you smiled towards Garnet. She giggled at your joke. "Hey, Garnet." You said. "Hm?" She replied. "Um....thank you." You said, looking down and blushing. "For what?" She asked. "For saving me. If it weren't for you, I would've been laying on the beach, dead...but you saved me. And for that, I say thank you." You smiled at her when you said thank you. Garnet noticed that that you were as red as a tomato. Then she smiled and put her hand on your cheek. "No problem." Then her hand slipped into a hug. There was a slight pause. Then you and Garnet heard a flirty whistle. You turned to who it was while still hugging Garnet and you saw Amethyst. She was laughing. "Do you two want some alone time?" Then you and Garnet quickly jerked away from each other and you sat straight up in your seat, blushing a bright pink. Amethyst then sat down across from you. "So what are you guys doing?" Amethyst asked. "Oh just sitting here, talking." You replied, finally slouching. "About what?" Ame asked. "Things" Garnet replied. Then you and Garnet looked at each other, and smiled. You blushed a dark red. Amethyst noticed this and had a sneaky smirk on her face, that you didn't notice.


     You, Steven, and the gems returned to the temple. Pearl and Garnet decided to make dinner. Amethyst started looking for snacks in the cabinets, and started drinking some cooking oil. Steven turned on the TV and you sat on his bed, and you both started watching Crying Breakfast Friends. "Why are they always crying?" You said. "That's just how the show goes." Steven replied. You paused as you watched them cry about a rock. "...I LOVE IT..." You said, with stars in your eyes.

After a couple minutes of watching cartoons, Garnet called you over. "Y/n! C'mere! I found something in the top cabinet!" You quickly got up. "Coming!" You ran to the kitchen. Garnet pulled out a stool and said for you to hop onto it. You did so. "Now look at the very top shelf and tell me what you see." She told you. And so you looked at the very top and even though you were on the counter, you still had to stand on your toes. You then spotted the thing, and looked at it with stars in your eyes as you gasped. "What do you see?" Garnet asked, smiling. "A baby bird!" You said excitedly. You didn't raise your voice because you didn't want to scare it even more than it already is. You then reached in, and grabbed it carefully. You could feel it trembling. You gave the bird to Steven who walked over and stood next to the counter. Steven then went to go put it outside to a nearby nest. After Steven walked out, Amethyst stood on her knees, and you and Garnet turned to each other. "Here, let me help you off." Garnet said. Before you could jump off, Amethyst pushed you into Garnet. You then fell on Garnet and as you fell, you put your hands and Garnets shoulders to stop yourself. Then you quickly realized...

Your lips were locked with Garnets.


Cliff hanger! Now things just got real! Amirite?! 😂 :3

And plz remember, to vote and comment on my new book, Ask Garnet/Ruby and Sapphire! Also, please recommend my books to other readers. I would really appreciate it if you do! Love y'all! ✌

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