Chapter 21 "New Bedroom?"

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Hi. So, since school is starting soon for me I might not update as much as I used to. I will try though! :3

It was January 1st, 2017. You woke up early, and decided to wake up Steven too, so you got up from the couch, quickly brushed your hair, and ran up the stairs to Steven's room. "Steven! Steven! Steven!" You said shaking him. "STEVEN!" Steven quickly jumped up with a jerk. "Wha?! Huh?! What's wrong y/n?!" You smiled at Steven with stars in your eyes. You could tell Seven wasn't fully awake. You grunted and opened the curtains which let in all of the sun light. The sunlight gave you a slight headache, and it hurt your eyes. It hurt Steven's eyes too. "Aww. Y/n! Why you do dis?"
You could tell Steven was annoyed, but you didn't care. "Steeeeeveeeen!" Steven rubbed his eyes and opened them widely. "What?!" Steven was now really annoyed. "Guess what?!"
"You found one million dollars on the beach?" Steven said sarcastically. "No! Garnet adopted me!"
"Oh yeah!" Steven started to smile. "I forgot you were living with us for a couple weeks!"
"But now, I'm living with you guys, PERMANENTLY!" You started to shake him. "Calm down y/n! You don't need to shake me." Steven giggled. You stopped shaking him. "Sorry it just...I haven't had any real family, in a long time." You smiled at Steven. "Aaawww! Its okay y/n." Steven gave you a small side hug. "Its okay, but let's not focus on that now! Let focus on the fact that I'm living with you nowwwwwww!" You couldn't stop fan girling. You then ran down the stairs and started banging on the temple door. "Garnet! Amethyst! Pearl! Wake up!" You waited, answer. You then had the bright idea of faking that you were in trouble. "Garnet! Amethyst! Pearl! Please help! Someone! I'm dying! Someone PLEASE help me!!!" You said with a breath in between each sentence. Almost immediately after you said that, Garnet came out of her room, the Pearl, and Amethyst. "Y/n what's wrong?!" They all said in unison.
"Y/n are you okay? You sounded in distress." The skinny gem kneeled down to your eye level. Amethyst then decided to step in. "Yeah dude! You sounded pretty hurt!" She quickly stated. "No guys! In fine!" You clarified. "I just wanted you guys out of your rooms, because now I'm living with you guys!" You started running around, happy as can be. Garnet had begun to smile, remembering the New Years countdown when she told you that she adopted you. "Garnet! Tell them!" You stopped running. "Well basically," Garnet began. "On New Years Eve, right before the countdown, y/n here was talking about how she had to go back to her foster home after this. However, I decided to tell her the secret that I've been trying to keep for as long as I could. Y/n, do you remember when I took you back to your foster home, and you saw me sign those papers?"
"Yeah?" You replied.
"Well, those papers were adoption papers!" Garnet's smiled widened. "Really?! Cool!"
"Congrats dude!" Amethyst stepped in.
"Yes, congratulations to y/n!" The skinny gem added. A thin pink layer spread across your cheeks. "Aww shucks! You guys don't have to congratulate me!" You began smiling, trying to hide the blush. All of the gems, including Steven who was now on the couch, smiled at you. "Okay well now," Steven yawned. "I'm going to make breakfast! Y/n, what do you want for breakfast?"
"F/f please!"
"I'm talking about healthy food! Not junk food!" Steven laughed.
"Fine, I'll have waffles please." You replied.
"Coming right up!" Steven began cooking and you sat down on the stool next to the counter. Pearl and Amethyst then went back into their rooms, but Garnet had decided to do something else. "Hey, y/n." Garnet called over. "Yeah Garnet?" You turned your head towards her. "I wanna show you something." Garnet pointed over to the temple door. "I'm interested! Go on!" You got off the stool, and started walking over to Garnet. She then opened the temple door, and you walked it. Once you walked in, you immediately felt a little wave of warmth hit you. You quickly noticed the source of the warmth. The lava pit in the middle of the room. Above it, you saw what seemed like hundreds of gems inside of bubbles. "What is this place?" You said.
Garnet closed the door behind her. "This is my room. Also known as, 'The Bubble Room'." You continued to look around. Garnet continued, "Since you didn't get a very good look at this room last time you were in here, I'm giving you a chance to look at it now."
You started walking around, "This place looks amazing! You have the best room out of everybody else's Garnet!" (You've seen Amethyst's room in between chapters) You smiled at her. She smiled back at you, and crossed her arms while slightly tilting her head. "How about this be your new bedroom?"

Hey! Thanks for the support everyone! Remember to vote, comment, and recommend my book to other readers! It'll encourage me to keep writing! :) You can also request some books for me to write! Okay, I love you! Bye! 😘

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