Chapter 20 "New Years"

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Shout out to MrsBabyBell !
Hey! So we're finally at Chapter 20 of my book! Woo! In celebration for all the support that every one has given me, and New Years, I'm going to write at least 2,000 words in this one chapter. Not including author notes. Woo! Keep up the support! It really means a lot to me! Also, curse word warnings. Summary at the end of the chapter!

"What do you mean you're healed?!" Pearl said.
"I mean I'm healed Pearl! What else do you want me to say?!"
You and Pearl ran out of her room. "GUYS!" Everybody sprang up and ran to you. "Whats wrong y/n?!" Steven, Garnet, and Amethyst all said in unison. You showed them your healed hand.
"What's wrong with your hand?" Amethyst asked confused.
"The problem is that there's no problem!" You said. "When I was in Pearls room, I cut my self with one of Pearl's weapons.." As you said that, Garnet glared at Pearl, and then back to you. "...and that cut was supposed to be on my palm, but as you can see, IT HEALED!"
"And that came from your gem?" Garnet asked.
"No Garnet! It came from my ass! Of course it came from my gem!" You replied. Everybody looked at you in astonishment because of how you had cursed. "Sorry. I curse and get sarcastic when I freak out." You apologized. "Its okay." Garnet replied.
You then looked at your stomach, and saw the bandages from when the holo Pearl cut you. "Guys." You said as you slowly took off the bandages. Everybody looked. Your stomach was healed too. "Oh my Irene." (<-Some will know) Garnet continued to say, "This is exactly what I meant to say. Your gem isn't supposed to have that much power!"
"What?" You asked. Everybody was confused. "Y/n you have too many powers for one gem."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean you have four different powers so far."
"And that's weird how?"
"Pearl can only summon her Spear, Amethyst can only summon her whip, Steven can summon his shield and his bubble, and I can control fire, ice, and summon my gauntlets, but that's because I'm a fusion. You can do so much more, and you only have one gem." Then you decided to interrupt her. "Whoa whoa whoa whoa!"
"You're a fusion?"
"Yes. We'll talk about that later. What I'm saying is that your gem shouldn't have all of that power. Your power should be limited."
"Isn't being powerful a good thing?"
You covered your gem. You felt like they wanted to take that power away.
"Yes, it is a good thing. But you need to be careful. If you're not, you could hurt yourself, or someone you care about."
"But, with that much power, your gem must be very rare. What did you say her gem was again Pearl?" Garnet looked at Pearl concerned.
"I said it looked like a g/n."
"Are you serious?!"
"What? What's wrong about that?" You asked.
"A g/n is the rarest gem out there. Ever rarer than a diamond!" Garnet said.
"Not cool. You are probably the only one alive that has your gem. If the diamonds find out you have it, they are going to try and shatter you at any cost."
"What are the diamonds?"
You were confused. You started freaking out.
"Don't worry y/n." Steven said. "But the diamonds are these big people that are very high in authority."
"Are they here?"
"No, they're on another planet called Home world. Its where Garnet and Pearl were made."
That was a lot to take in. You took a moment to think of just (flexibility, love and Trust. Jk! 😂) what was going on and how lucky you are to have all of those powers. "Okay, so what do we do now?"
"You need to train, and learn how to use your powers as quickly as possible." Garnet answered.
"Okay, but that's going to be a problem." You said as you pointed outside. It was snowing. Everyone looked out side. "Whoa! Cool!" Steven said. "Then we'll just have to wait until the snow melts." Garnet smiled. You smiled back.

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