Chapter 25 "We're Sorry"

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You looked at your shoulder, and what you saw was Pearl's spear. Blood started rushing out, as fast as pain started rushing through your body. "Y/n?!" Pearl yelled. "I-it was an accident I-I-" You cut her off,"Don't worry about it."
"What?" Pearl said, with tears in her eyes.
"Go ahead keep fighting! Even after I told ALL of you to stop!" You yelled.
"Y-y/n." Pearl tried holding your arm, but you quickly burned her by how furious you were. Garnet appeared again, and now everybody, even Steven, were surrounding you. You then started walking towards the warp pad. "Y-y/n. Let us help y-" Garnet started, but you cut her off. "NO!" you yelled,"keep fighting! Keep hurting each other like you hurt me! Do whatever you want! Keep acting like children!" You yelled at all of the gems as you walked yourself over to the warp pad with the gems following you.

When you got to the temple, you walked out leaving burn marks on the wood. "Y/n! Wait!" Amethyst said. The only person that could touch you without getting burned was Garnet, but you wouldn't let her. You slowly started walking down the steps with the gems still right behind you. "You guys didn't even know that you almost killed me by pushing me out of the warp stream, because you were to busy fighting." You whispered. The gems froze, and looked at each other with tears in their eyes. "Y/n, we're sorry!" Garnet said. "I don't wanna hear it!" You yelled. You finally started walking on the board walk. You were trying to walk yourself to the hospital. You then stopped, and so did everyone else. "Y/n, please!" Steven said. You didn't answer. After a slight pause, you grabbed a hold of the spear, and slowly took out the spear from your shoulder. While you were doing this, you were growling in pain. The pain made you angry, and so a small ring of flame came out of you, then disappeared shortly after. After you got the spear out, you threw it on the floor and kept walking while covering the wound with your hand. "Y/n, please let us help you!" Garnet said. Shortly after she did, ice spikes came out from the ground. The gems dodge them, but barely. "Y/n, we're sorry!" Amethyst said. Again, you didn't answer and another ring of fire came out of you. As you kept walking, the gems kept trying to convince you to let them help you, but you didn't want to. Your emotions kept on going from sad, to mad, to sad again, so the fire and the ice kept appearing in that pattern too. "Y/n we-" Pearl started, but was interrupted by another bunch of spears of ice. You heard silence. Then you heard poofing sounds. You picked up your head, and turned around in curiosity. Still holding your wound, you slowly walked around the ice spears and noticed the gems weren't there. You looked down, and saw their gemstones. You kneeled down and your wound started slowly healing. You ignored it, and picked up the gemstones and put them in your arms as tears started running down your face. You, fully healed, hung your head down as you began to cry more and more. You then remembered when they said,"We're sorry." You paused and looked at them. "No," You whispered. "I'm sorry..."

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