Chapter 10 "Pumpkin Doggo"

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     Peridot was pulling you both through the crops. Since it was early in the morning, you were still drowsy. "Peridot! Slow down!" Steven said as he was moving the crops out of his face. "But you need to see we did it!" Peridot replied as she showed a dog like, pumpkin thing. You rubbed your eyes to see it better, and you looked at it in shock. "Woah." you said. When Steven told you he could make plants come to life, you didn't think he actually meant turning them into animals. "I guess you don't know how vegetables work after all!" Peridot told you. "Yeah, you guys sure showed me." you said, trying not to hurt her feelings. Peridot then went over to him, ripped his stem/leash, and told him to harvest the rest of his kind. When she let him loose, the pumpkin dog went straight for Steven. "Uh, must be the pumpkin treats in my back pocket! Hehe!" Steven said. You giggled at his joke. Peridot then walked over to you both. She seemed confused. "That doesn't make sense! We made it! It should be listening to us!" Then Lapis walked over, looking disappointed. "It's only just coming to existence. And it already doesn't like us." Steven then pushed it towards them. "C'mon! Go to Peridot and Lapis!" But the pumpkin dog jumped into Steven's arms. "Sorry! I think he's coming to me, because..." Steven hesitated. "Because he's the one who made 'em." You finished for him. "Oh. That explains it." Peridot said. Then Lapis turned around, and picked up a regular pumpkin. "Well, we made this one!" She said, trying to cheer up Peridot. She turned to the pumpkin that Lapis was holding. "It's...okay. But look at Steven's! It has a face and everything!" Peridot said. "It's true. Ours,...doesn't have a face." Lapis replied. They both looked depressed. Steven noticed this, and said,"Oh no! Don't be sad! Wait right here, I have an idea!" He then ran over to a pumpkin. "My dad showed me how to do this once. First you make a mouth..." Steven started carving a face into the pumpkin. You noticed that the pumpkin dog didn't like that. You then put your face into your palm, and sighed. "Oh geez."  You said. When Steven emptied the pumpkin out, the dog got scared and jumped into Lapis's arms. Then Steven realized what he was doing, and wiped all of the pumpkin 'guts' off of himself. "Oh...its nice to have a new member of the family!" After Steven said that, you heard something big fly over you guys. All of you walked through the corn field and when you got out, you saw someone. "A human? Why would someone come here?" You thought. He was yelling about something. "Who's that? And what's he yelling about?" Lapis said.
Then he turned around. "You're hippies! What are you hippies doing messing up my barn?!" Then Lapis made a water hand, grabbed him, and put him up. Peridot then started pushing buttons on a little controller and some small robot drones came out. You just looked at this wide eyed. "Um...okay." You thought. "Guys! Don't hurt him!" Steven said. "But he's attacking us, and our home." Lapis replied. Then Steven walked over to the man and looked up at him. "Um, hi! We just want to know what you want!" Steven yelled over to him. What I want is for all you hippies to get out of MY barn!" He yelled back angrily. Then Steven looked over to Lapis and Peridot, and then you. "Your barn?" He said. You closed your eyes and put your hand into your face, still feeling drowsy. You sighed. "This is going to be a long day." You said to yourself.

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