Chapter 6 "Hospital"

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You had woken up from a coma. You looked down and saw that you were in all this medical equipment. Then you realize that Steven, Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl were waiting in there with you. "Guys?" You said with a raspy voice. They all looked at you in astonishment. "Y/n?!" Garnet and Steven said in unison. Amethyst looked relieved and Pearl looked surprised. They all walked up to your hospital bed with Steven on your left, Garnet on your right, Amethyst at the end, and Pearl slightly behind her. You tried to sit up and Steven helped you. Garnet lifted up her hand hesitantly, afraid if she was going to hurt you. Since you were already up, she just decided to put her hand down. Steven looked at your back and you had blood all over your bandages. "Are you okay y/n?" Garnet said.
"Yeah." You coughed. "Still hurts a little tho."
"I am so sorry y/n." Garnet told you.
"For what?"
"For letting you get hurt."
"Its not your fault Garnet.
Garnet took off her visors. "But it is. I'm a Crystal Gem. I'm supposed to protect humanity. How am I going to call my self a Crystal Gem if I can't even protect you?" She looked down.
"Garnet..." You put your hand under her cheek so she can look at you. "I'm the one that ran in front of that monster. I was the one that disturbed you while you were containing it. It was all me. It was my own fault." Amethyst then cut in. "Yeah and I mean everybody makes mistakes at some point, right?" Amethyst smiled at you and Garnet. Garnet then smiled and put her visors back on. "Thanks y/n. Thanks Amethyst."
Steven then turned to you. "So y/n. When are they going to let you come home?"
"Home?" You thought "Should I call it home?" Steven looked at you. "Uhhhh...y/n?" You then realized you were starring at Steven. "Huh? Oh sorry I zoned out. They're going to let me out in a couple days."
"Cool." Steven said.
Garnet cut in. "Anyways. Its getting late and Steven, you need to get to bed." Steven then turned to Garnet and frowned. "Awww Garnet. Can we stay here with y/n? I can sleep in one of the hospital beds? Or maybe one of the chairs."
"No, you need to get home, and rest there."
"Okay." Steven said. "Bye y/n! Get well soon!" You then said bye back, and waved to all of them as they all walked out one by one. First Steven, then Amethyst, then Pearl, then Garnet. When Garnet smiled at you, you felt red on your face. You had felt yourself blush and you smiled back. You layed down in your hospital bed, and a nurse came in. She just checked on you, seeing if you were doing alright. Then she changed your bandages. After that, you started thinking about the gems while you were laying down in your bed. You fell asleep. After a couple hours, Garnet came to visit you while Steven was asleep, and Pearl and Amethyst were in their rooms. Garnet decided to not wake you and walked up to your hospital bed. She smiled at the fact that you were drooling. She put her hand on your head and moved your hair, revealing your fore head. She then bent over, and kissed you on your forehead. She then smiled, and starting walking out. Before she walked out, she took another look at you, and smiled. "Take care." She whispered. Then she left.

~~~~~Time Skip o.O~~~~~

It has been a couple days and the gems have come to pick you up from the hospital. "We are here to pick up y/n" Garnet told the woman at the from desk. The woman told her where to go and Garnet told the gems to wait in the waiting room. As Garnet went in, Amethyst asked Steven if he wanted to get something from the vending machine. Long story short, Amethyst ended up shattering the glass, and getting Amethyst, Pearl, and Steven kicked out. So while they were waiting outside, Amethyst and Steven were throwing rocks into the street, while Pearl just leaned against the wall with a concerned face. Meanwhile, in the hospital, Garnet walked in to your room while you were reading a book. You were reading Unfamiliar Familiar. You then noticed Garnet, and put down the book. "Hey Garnet!" You said.
She smiled, relieved to see you awake and happy. "Hi y/n." You got off the bed, and showed Garnet your scars. She frowned, remembering the incident, and put on a fake smile. "That looks really cool y/n" You then smiled and turned around. "Thanks!" You said. You then blushed as Garnet pulled you into a hug. Then you hugged her back. After letting go, Garnet said, "So, shall we go?" You then smiled. "We shall." You grabbed your water and old clothes, and walked out with her. When you guys got out of the hospital, you saw Steven, and Amethyst still throwing rocks. You had seen that they hadn't noticed you, so you yelled out, "Nice throw!" And then Steven, Amethyst, and Pearl turned to see you. Steven and Amethyst ran up to you as Pearl walked. Pearl looked really relieved. Steven and Amethyst gave you a hug. "Glad you're okay!" Steven said. "Yeah, you're a real trooper if you went through all that and lived!" Amethyst continued. "Thanks guys!" You said.
You turned to Pearl as she walked up to you and you both smiled. She put her hand on your head and said, "Glad you're okay y/n." You blushed and then she saw this, smiled, and blushed too. Garnet saw this, and interrupted you both. "Welp! Its time to go home!" Garnet seemed strange. She seemed upset about something. You had never seen her upset except for when she visited you, and now. "But what was she upset about?" You thought. "Me and Pearl?"
Since she didn't seem too upset about it, you decided to brush it off, and go home with the gems. "Home?" You thought to yourself. "Home..."

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