Chapter 13 "Crying Breakfast Gems"

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Before you read the chapter, just know that the name of the chapter have anything to do with what happens in it. I just couldn't find out a name for it. This hopefully won't happen often, and if it does, I will always say when it does happen.

Steven looked at you in surprise. You then blushed a dark red. "What? I-is that bad?" You looked mad. "No! No! I'm just...I wasn't expecting something like that to happen." Steven said. When he said that, you calmed down a little. "Oh...okay." You said. You and Steven started walking up the stairs again, until you stopped. "And please don't tell anyone I told you that I liked it." You said. Steven paused. " ...okay." Then you both walked into the house. Once you did, the gems just looked at you. "Uhm...y/n.." Garnet hesitated. You decided to interrupt her. "You know what? Lets just forget about what happened. Okay?" You had a relieved face. "Okay." Garnet said.
"Okay." Everyone else said. Then there was an awkward pause. Again, you tried to avoid it by saying, "So, I brought donuts." You then held up the bag. "No thank you." Pearl said. Amethyst then took the bag from your hand, and ate every thing. You laughed at her silliness. You then heard a slight growl come from where Garnet was sitting. You turned to her and you saw Garnet looking at Amethyst with a neutral face. "Garnet are you okay?" You asked. "I'm fine." She replied in a calm voice. "Okay then." You shrugged. You started playing video games with Steven. You lost a couple games, and you won a couple. "Are you sure you've never played this game before?" Steven said, giggling. "Never in my life!" You said surprised as you killed Steven's character. "Boom sucka!" You yelled. The both of you started laughing together. Then you heard another growl come from Garnet's direction. You noticed this, and decided to see what's up with her. "Hey Steven, Ima go get a soda." You said as you got up and stretched your legs from sitting down for so long. As you walked down the stairs, you looked at Garnet as she was looking down. You then opened the fridge and grabbed a soda. "Hey Garnet, are you okay? What's wrong?" You asked in a soft voice. She laid her head on the counter, and sighed. She then picked up her head and looked at you as she took off her visors. You blushed at the sight of them. "Y/n" she said in a slightly British accent.Then Pearl and Amethyst came out of their rooms with Pearl looking like she had a bright idea. Turns out, she did. "Hey! How about we start training y/n!" Pearl said happily. Everybody agreed, including you. Everyone else decided to watch, and Steven called over Connie to train too. As you walked towards the warp pad, with Garnet following you behind, you quickly remembered that Garnet was going to tell you something. You then turned around. "Oh! Garnet! I almost forgot! What were you going to tell me?"
"That I..." She paused.
"I hope you do well with your training." She smiled and put her visors back on. You then smiled back, and you all stepped on the warp pad.

You all went to the training ruins. You stood on the training area with Pearl as everyone else sat on the steps. "Now y/n," Pearl said. "You've got to have some kind of power in your gem." You looked at your g/p. "You think?" You asked. "I know." Pearl replied. You both smile at each other. "We just need to take a look at it first." Pearl then started looking at your g/p and you started blushing a little. "Do you know what kind of gem it is?" Pearl asked you. "No." You replied.
" looks like a g/t (gem type)"
"Is that bad?"
"No, its actually really good."
You smiled when she said that. Then Pearl gasped.
"What? What's wrong?"
Pearl paused.
"Pearl!" You yelled.
"Y/n..." Pearl said.

"Your gem is cracked."


Hey, I've been meaning to ask you guys if I should continue this book. I don't know, I have just been thinking that people haven't been really interested in this book. Tell me what you think.

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