Chapter 1

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The quaint café looked surprisingly different during the day, having only worked night shifts for the two months of being here it was uncommon for me to see the place with the sun glinting and reflecting off the small neon sign that was off for a change. The open sign was displaying the words 'Welcome' as it did for 24 hours 7 days a week.

I have decided that university just wasn't for me, sitting in a lecture hall all day only to work through midnight and the early hours of the morning, it just wasn't worth it. It wasn't like I was going to get anywhere anyway, I wouldn't say I was the brightest flower in the bunch and my half yearly grades had proved me right.

That left me here, working full time in a café that paid me barely enough to keep up with the rent of my studio apartment on the other side of town. I was hoping to get an apartment on the nicer side of the city but my ever-dwindling bank account told me that any home was a good one at this point.

I spotted my reflection in the window, slightly ruffling my brunette hair that sat at the very top of my shoulders and the waves bounced lightly, I started straightening my name tag that read 'Alice' with pretty flowers that I had added to it, given the amount of free time that comes with working from 10pm til 4am. My co-worker, Cassidy, had kindly offered to swap shifts with me, vaguely explaining that a customer was making her uncomfortable and for me to watch out.

I took her warning but her history of exaggeration didn't help in explaining the severity of her problem, I greeted Cassidy at the bench, her newly appointed night-shift having ended, leaving me to take her place.

"I'm so glad you're here!" She looked exasperated. "I have no idea how you managed to survive these night shifts and go to university! When I get home I'm going to sleep for a week!" She exclaimed, dark eyes already circling under her eyes, beginning to match my own.

"It's a skill I've taken years to master Cass." I laughed at her sleep deprived face.

"Well, I'm going to go and sleep until next year, have fun!" While she was speaking to me she had gathered her things and was out the door before I could reply.

"Bye to you too," I mumbled to myself, shaking my head and laughing lightly.

The morning rush was slightly busy, the police officers and detectives purchasing a coffee before a long day of work. I recognized some of them from the frequent customers I had served for a coffee fix to get them through the night. Most of them greeted me the same way they always had, discussing my new shift-change and what cases they were working on. They were hopeless police officers but some of them were fairly friendly.

Once the morning rush had slowed down I was left with nothing to do but clean the tables and keep everything tidy. I thought the day shift was supposed to be more eventful? I was dragged out of my daze by the sound of the vintage-styled door creaking open. The slender frame of a male that looked to have a spring in his step, the kind that is extremely rare to find in the dull city of Gotham.

As he turned around I got a glimpse of his face, lips adorning a fantastic smile that, as clichè, as it sounds, lit up the small cafè. He had an odd vibe to him, awkward and confident, an unlikely pair to be found in a person's stride but he made it look normal. His wide framed glasses gave off an intelligent look, framing his face nicely and suited his aura.

He strode towards the counter, his smile flashing with joy as our eyes met. His happiness was contagious as I felt my own smile tug at my lips, eager to greet the joyful character.

"Hi, welcome to cup at Joe's, what can I get for you today?" I spoke politely, having to crane my neck as I noticed he was much taller than I was.

"A cup of Green Tea please." He replied his smile falling ever so slightly, I picked up that he may not be the best at talking to people.

Riddles on Napkins // E.NygmaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon