Chapter 4

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The rest of the day was uneventful, I had my usual customers and a couple people just passing through. I had waited until after he left before I inspected the Napkin. He had written another riddle for me to solve, in the same neat handwriting embellished with emerald ink.

You can carry it everywhere you go, and it does not get heavy. What is it?

I mulled it over in my head but to no avail, it had taken the rest of the day and throughout the entire night to come up with absolutely nothing. I hadn't seen Harvey yesterday and was slightly worried, knowing that he always came for a coffee, whether it be in the morning, lunch break or middle of the night but I hadn't seen him once.

I was early to work again so I took the few extra minutes to see if everything was okay with him. Saying a quick hello to Cass I grabbed a muffin and coffee from behind the counter and walked next door. Upon entering the GCPD I was immediately greeted with the chaotic mess that I had tried so desperately to be part of, studying for years but to no success. Everyone was rushing around, each having their own busy agenda to tend to, making my job seem like nothing in comparison.

Finding Harvey Bullock wasn't hard, he was front and center, ordering around young officers and conversing with his partner Jim Gordon. He looked stressed beyond compare and ready to pull his hair out. I weaved my way through the busy officers, some greeting me with sexist remarks and others recognizing me from next door.

"How many times do I have to tell you! Get on with your god-damned job!" He exploded at someone and Jim Gordon cleared his throat, nodding in my direction.

"Hey, Harvey didn't see you yesterday and figured you needed your coffee fix." I laughed lightly, handing him the muffin and coffee. He glanced at me with a mix of surprise and relief.

"Hey kid, oh man you are a life saver you know that. See that boys! At least someone notices when I'm not around." He called to a bunch of officers.

"I wouldn't go that far, Harvey." I laughed and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"You have no idea how much I needed this right now." He sighed in relief after taking a sip. "How much do I owe you?" He asked me.

"Ah, it's on the House Harv, my contribution to Gotham's finest." We both burst out laughing at the statement.

"If this is the finest Gotham has to offer god help us all." He grumbled but I tutted pulling Jim over.

"What do you mean? Look at this guy, he basically screams Gotham's finest." Jim chuckled at me.

"Easy tiger, Gotham's finest is taken." Harvey joked.

"Yeah, with me, we're getting married," I spoke monotonously before perking up. "I'll send you the invite when we get the dates sorted out." We got odd looks from other people around but we laughed all the same.

"I better be getting free coffee then." Jim piped in.

"Oh, anything for my fiance." I winked in joking flirtation. "But I must be going, don't work too hard boys." I hugged the both of them before making my way to the exit, a playful smile adorning my lips.

"Hey, pretty lady. Where's my coffee?" A younger officer put his hands on my hips and tried to pull me toward him.

"Dougherty I swear to god you touch her one more time and you're fired," Harvey shouted between bites of his muffin.

"Thanks, Harv!" I called giving Tom a sarcastic smile before returning to work.

"How is Harvey?" Cass asked behind the counter, not understanding why I considered the man a friend.

Riddles on Napkins // E.NygmaWhere stories live. Discover now