Chapter 15

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Work went by in it's usual, interesting way. The two of us working tirelessly on the new case, it was doing my head in truly. The only thing getting me through the week was the thought of going to Edward's tonight. The two of us hadn't stopped talking about it the entire week. We had decided to go to his house again,  drink tea and watch a movie, he wouldn't tell me which movie we were watching so I guess I'd just have to find out. 

"Ed oh my god what am I even doing with my life?" I groaned resting my head on the desk in exasperation.

"It appears that you are currently having some sort of mental breakdown. I would help you but I'd much prefer to continue being productive and helping solve the case." He replied, a small smirk on his features.

"Since when are you salty?" I retorted, lifting my head and propping it up with my hand.

"I'm sorry?" He replied confused, before shaking his head. "You need to clear your head, all of your input is unhelpful right now." I scoffed.

"You're being mean, I'm going to talk to Harvey then. I'll be back in a second." I announced, to which he nodded, focusing back on the sample he'd been studying.

I left the lab and weaved my way back into the main foyer of the precinct to find Harvey's desk. He was there, barking orders as usual but this time he looked to actually be working. I made my way over and leaned against his desk, hoping to get his attention.

"Alice! How's the day treating ya?" He asked me, abandoning whatever he was working on.

"Not too bad, not too bad at all. What are you working on?" I asked, looking at the files scattered on his desk.

"This god damn maniax! Case." The tone in his voice was all I needed to know just how annoyed he was about it. "I mean you finally lock these looney's up only for them to be let out again to cause more havoc! Where do we win?" He questioned.

"You don't." I replied with a laugh and he cracked a smile.

"That Valeska's the worst of em all." He stated and I nodded, having heard all about it.

"Heard they threw a bunch of people off the Gotham Gazette?" He nodded tiredly.

"Yep that's them." He rubs his face and stares back at the computer screen and then to me. "Look Alice you know I love when you visit-"

"I'll get out of your hair Harvey." I laughed. "I just needed to clear my head, I should be heading back now anyway. Don't work yourself too hard." I interrupted him.

"Can you take these to the archive on your way back please?" I nodded and took them from his desk, saying a quick hello to Jim before heading to give these to Kristen.

The door was already open so I took it as an opportunity to walk in and make the encounter as quick as possible but Kristen had other plans. "Alice!" She greeted and I gave her a small smile.

"Hello Kristen, I'm just here to give you these files from Harvey-" I began but she interrupted me.

"I really have to thank you!" I looked at her, confusion spreading across my features.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Well you finally got Nygma to stop being so weird around me! I mean you must want to rip your hair out dealing with him all day! He's so weird isn't he?" I was completely taken aback by the comment but I wasn't going to let her speak about him like that.

"I'm sorry but I have no idea what you are talking about, he's been nothing but lovely to me and I actually enjoy his company immensely. He is far better at holding a conversation than you seem to be." I smiled sweetly. "So if you'll excuse me I have to be getting back to work with a co worker that isn't a stuck up snob that thinks they are better than everybody else." With that I turned to the door only to find Edward standing in the doorway, his face unreadable.

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