Chapter 20

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I spent the next couple of days in and out of the hospital, only ever going home to shower and clean my house. I had hardly left his side and he was probably already sick to death of me and completely dreading the next few weeks of staying at my place.

"Alice I've told you a thousand times that you don't have to be here, you should be at work." I shook my head in disagreement.

"What use is a forensic scientist's assistant without a forensic scientist?" He looked exasperated but I couldn't bring myself to leave. He was looking slightly better now, colour finally returning to his face and the doctors had informed us that due to Lex's generous 'donation' Edward was first priority in the dull hospital. It was perfect for helping him heal faster and I could at least have the peace of mind that he was in proper care.

"Mr. Nygma, you have recovered well enough to the point that you can continue your recovery at home. Although we do want to make sure that everything stays in order so if anything starts to look as if it isn't recovering properly please do not hesitate to come back. For now though you are free to go home as long as you don't over exert yourself, I'm assuming the two of you will be leaving together?" He questioned and I nodded, excited that Edward was finally allowed to leave the hospital.

"Thank you Doctor." He thanked him, leaving to the bathroom to finally put on regular clothes, I'd taken the liberty of packing his things and bundling them under my arms so that we could get going as soon as possible. His arm was in a sling and I was wondering how on earth he was going to be able to get changed when I heard a timid knock on the bathroom door, it unlocked and I was met with a shirtless Edward Nygma.

"U-um, need a little help?" I stuttered out and he nodded, his face bright red. "Ok well let's see if we put your arm through here-" I tried to direct his arms through the holes when his un-injured arm gripped my waist, pulling me unexpectedly closer to him.

"Well if getting shot got me this then I'm going to have to do it more often." His voice was deep just like it had been in my dream, the smirk on his lips taunted me and his eyes had darkened significantly.

"Ed I don't think-" I shook my head, slightly flustered and my face flushing peach. He smirked further but made no attempts to keep me there. I fixed his shirt, having the time to check out his body slightly before helping him get it over his hips.

"So sorry for touching you like that." His usual persona returned in seconds, I shook it off and figured it was probably the medication they had him on.

"No problem Ed, let's just get back to my place alright?" We grinned at each other before I took his bags and we made our way to the reception desk where he had to sign some things. Heading to my car I dropped his bags in the boot, clicking open the car door and Ed got in without a hitch.

"So where is this apartment I've heard so much about?" His eyes wandered out the window while mine remained on the road.

"Just around the corner, we'll be there in a sec." I replied cheerfully, excited to get home rather than spend another night at the hospital. It wasn't long before I pulled into the parking lot, leading Ed into the well-furnished building. We caught the lift until we reached my floor, the elevator buzzing with our conversation, I unlocked my door, holding it open for him to walk inside as I set his bag next to it.

"Your apartment is extremely well kept, very organized." He compliments and I feel my cheeks reddening despite the topic. I had made sure everything was in a proper order one morning before heading to the hospital in fear that he would judge me and hate me, I don't know he feels like the kind of person to do something like that.

"Thank you, please make yourself comfortable." I offered him a seat on the couch which he took without a fuss. "I'm going to put some tea on, the hospital's brand was terrible. I have a whole bunch of different ones you can pick." I had an unnecessary amount of tea flavours, most being gifts from my parents or Lex as that is all I'd ever ask for.

"Surprise me." He stated simply and something about the comment just made me smile with glee, no one really appreciated my love of tea. I don't blame them of course, it was an odd thing to have an interest in but I enjoyed it. I decided on a simple hazelnut tea, one of my personal favourites and made it in the exquisite teapot Lex had gotten me for Christmas last year, it was hand crafted and absolutely gorgeous.

"I decided on hazelnut, you aren't allergic are you?" I asked to which he shook his head. I placed a mug down in front of him and settled myself on the other end of the couch. It felt odd, to have him in my home I mean I had spent countless hours in his apartment yet having him here seemed almost foreign. I liked the feeling though, as if the two of us were finally growing closer.

"Thank you so much for letting me stay here, it is truly thoughtful of you." He exclaimed gratefully but I shrugged it off.

"Of course! I'd do anything for you, well I mean it was really no sweat. " I tried to cover it but I knew he'd caught it. "Anyways, do you want to watch a movie? It's only early afternoon and I can fix us some popcorn to tie us over until dinner? We can order Chinese?" I offered and his face lit up.

"The traditional Friday night agenda." He smiled, his face bright.

"Except on a Wednesday but hey, close enough right?" I shrugged and he laughed at my obviously flawed logic.

"Close enough for me." He replied with a cheeky grin, I handed him the remote to scroll through Netflix, though he was skeptical at first, being a traditionalist with DVDs.

"I'll cook the popcorn, find whatever you want." He nodded, absentmindedly scrolling through the large array of content that Netflix had to offer. I put the popcorn in the microwave, catching a glimpse of my giddy reflection and smiling even wider.

"Bates Motel is on here, we never got to watch that together." He called from the room and I didn't have the heart to tell him I'd already seen the entire series three times over so I simple agreed.

"Oh yeah! I was waiting to watch it with you, well we've got time to start it so why not?" I replied, lying through my teeth but it was for a good cause. I brought the bowl of popcorn into the living room and set it between the two of us, Ed pressed play and we started the marathon.

It wasn't long before the popcorn was discarded and Edward had pulled me closer to his chest, his hands found their way to my hair much like they had the other night and I couldn't help but question what exactly he was trying to do with all of this but he seemed to beat me to do it.

"Alice?" I turned to face him, disregarding the TV show. "It's become agonizingly obvious that the two of us are perfectly compatible for a romantic relationship." He states.

"It has?" I questioned, my heart beating uncontrollably.

"You don't agree?" He questions, slightly disheartened.

"Of course I agree I'm just curious as to where you are going with this." I reply and he chuckles.

"Well in a round about way I believe I am asking you to be my romantic companion, a girlfriend if you will." His demeanor had changed into that of more confidence, his recurring smirk twitching at his lips. "What do you say?"

"I say, in a round about way, I'd love to."


Nawwww they are togetherrrr!!!

I've waited a long time for this and eeeek I loved writing this! The song on the side is 'Absolutely Smitten' by Dodie Clark and I think it really explains their relationship and how it's grown especially during the earlier chapters what do you think?

Sorry for the late update I'm a...

Sorry for the late update I'm a

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Hope you enjoyed Xx


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