Chapter 5

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The next couple of hours drag on for what seems like forever. Each customer being the same group of police officers and maybe a sketchy citizen, I was bored out of my mind. How in the world am supposed to keep myself occupied when the only thing I can do is overthink the lunch I'll be having with Ed. Had I come off wrong? Were my innocent intentions received wrong? I really hope not.

My overthinking was short-lived as I saw him walk through the door, his usual smile painted bright on his face, the door closed gently behind him as he strode toward the counter. "What will it be?" I asked, more casual this time.

"Just a white tea thank you." His response bubblier than what it had been. He retreated back to his seat and I couldn't help my dorky smile as I watched his actions.

I got it ready and I got myself one, placing them both down on the small table we were going to share. "What would you like food wise? Anything you want is on the house, the boss doesn't care much." I explained, leaning against the counter waiting for him to make his choice.

"Um, well." His eyes drifted over the small menu that had a limited food variety that hadn't changed in the last ten years.

"I think I'll just get a muffin if that's ok?" He asked and I nodded in response, going to retrieve the two last muffins in the case.

"Good choice, they are the only thing I actually like in this place." I laughed and he joined.

"You don't like the food here?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Have you seen this place? The only thing I trust is the coffee and the muffins and only the muffins because I didn't make them." I chuckled at my complete inability to cook.

"I see, I'll keep in mind that the only safe option in a muffin." His laugh rang through my ears, it wasn't a loud or obnoxious laugh, it was more of a reserved, genuine laugh that wasn't wasted on just anything. As he began to sip his tea I noticed something a little unusual.

"You know what's strange?" I asked him, breaking his concentration from the cup and focusing it on me,waiting expectantly for an answer. "You have never ordered the same beverage twice." I stated.

"I like to hang things up every now and again." He replied with a chuffed smile.

"Well now I need to know." He looked up at me in confusion.

"Need to know what?" I gave him a look of exasperation.

"Whether you are a coffee person or a tea person." I stated in a duh tone. "How am I meant to remember your coffee order if it changes every time you come in?"

"You want to remember my coffee order?" He asked bashfully and I looked at my hands, a small blush flourishing on my cheeks. Did that sound creepy?

"Well I mean if this is going to be a regular thing I don't want to have to waste time taking your order." Wow Alice, dig that hole a little deeper why don't you?

"This is a regular thing?" He questioned and my cheeks gained a brighter shade of red.

"I didn't mean it like that, if you don't want it to be a regular thing I totally get that." I rushed out holding my head in my hands. "I'm sorry." I muttered, I was never this awkward.

"Well to answer your question, I'm more of a tea person, although I do drink coffee from time to time to help with drowsiness." I took my head from my hands and smiled at him.

"Oh thank god." I sighed out."I'm most definitely a tea person."

"It's the better option for sure." He hummed in reply. It was awkwardly silent for a few seconds while we both started eating our muffins.

"So Edward." I began, putting an abrupt halt to the silence that seemed to never end. "Any riddles for me?" I leant back in my chair, eager to hear another riddle he had most likely thought of himself.

"You want to hear another riddle?" He clarified, still surprised.

"That's the entire reason I asked you to come isn't it?" I asked, playful smile painting my lips.

"I suppose so." He looked to be thinking for a while. "If I eat I thrive but if I drink I die, what am I?" He took another sip of his tea, probably expecting me to take a few minutes to answer it but I had surprisingly heard this one before.

"Fire?" I answered, hoping that my memory hadn't betrayed me.

"You are already improving Miss Morelle." I was going to correct him, tell him he could use my first name but the way he said it, with a polite smile and a push on the bridge of his glasses I couldn't bring myself to do it. Morelle sounded so pretty when he said it.

"I totally am, watch out I will have you beat in no time. I'll be the riddle maker here." I playfully taunted and his smile grew wider.

"I'm not quite sure I want to revoke my title so soon." He replied and I was certain that he was actually playing along with the joke.

"Trust me buddy, you've got a long reign before I can come close to claiming it." We laughed together for a few more minutes before I changed topics. "So, what exactly do you do next door?" I asked him, resting my head on my intertwined fingers.

"Forensic Science actually, although I do make it my business to look over the medical examiner from time to time, he is not nearly as thorough as he should be and I doubt he's properly qualified." He replied and my eyes sparked with interest.

"You're the forensic scientist? That is so cool!" I exclaimed and he seemed taken aback by my reaction.

"You have an interest in Forensic Science?" He asked and I nodded my head.

"Absolutely! It'd be an incredibly interesting job I'm sure." I responded and he scanned my face for anything suspicious.

"You truly think so?" He asked and my eyes widened, does he think I'm joking?

"Of course I do! I mean I admire what you do, finding out things about the crime scene and stuff, that is so cool." I noted that I was using the word 'cool' far too much for a person that graduated high school years ago.

"Well, I'm glad you think so." He looked down to his now empty mug before glancing at his watch. "Oh my, it has been almost an hour, I should be getting back." He stood from the table and I did the same, watching him reach the exit of the cafe.

"Thank you for spending lunch with me, I hope we can do the same tomorrow?" I asked and he turned back to me with goofy smile that adorned his face in a slightly slanted manner.

"I will be looking forward to it." With that he left, my smile never seeming to fade even after he had gone.


Decided to update a little early as I will be getting into a regular schedule of updating.

They had lunch together! I kinda love the two of them tbh like awkward Ed is the best bean!

I'll be down in the comments like usual


Riddles on Napkins // E.NygmaWhere stories live. Discover now