Chapter 29

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Alice's POV:

"What on Earth are you doing on a plane to Australia?" His voice rang though the line and I held it away from my ear to stop them from bursting.

"You wouldn't understand what's been going on lately and-" I try to explain myself but I'm up off abruptly.

"Alice dear I don't care even a little bit about whatever issues you and lover boy are having I want to know why. You. Are on a filthy plane and not a private jet. Have I taught you nothing?" He scoffs into the line.

"You are the definition of a snob Lex." I chuckle in reply and the passenger beside me gives me a filthy look. "Look as much as I love being looked down upon I think I'd like to enjoy the rest of my flight without your judgements." I quip and this time he laughed.

"Have fun in Australia darling, don't stay out in the sun too long no matter how much you convince yourself you can tan." I rolled my eyes despite the fact he couldn't see me.

"Bye Lex, I'll visit soon." With that we hung up and I spent the remaining hours of my flight watching the movies they provided, coming across 'Psycho' and having to recollect myself.

After many long, tedious hours we arrived in Sydney Airport. The stewardess telling us how to properly get off the plane and where to collect our luggage. I followed the line of people waiting impatiently to finally step foot down under and carried my small bag with me.

The airport was buzzing with life as people were coming in and out of it all in a sort of organized chaos. It was only the early hours of the afternoon and the jet lag had taken a significant affect on me so I decided to save all sightseeing for tomorrow and made my main goal of the day to find my hotel and sleep.

My luggage was found in no time and I rolled it behind me as I hailed a cab, I gave the driver the hotel's address and he nodded seeing to know where he was going. He looked friendly enough and my judgement had been confirmed as he started a conversation.

"First time in Australia darl?" He questioned, his accent showing through as his lips quirked into a smile.

"Uh yes actually, I assume you're a local?" He chuckled humorously.

"Aussie though and through." I too chuckled at his sentence, he would have to be in his mid to late forties. The cracks in his skin and flecks of grey in his hair giving it away. "How long are you down here for?" He questions again and I think about it to myself.

"A couple weeks I guess, not really set on anything yet." I explain and he nods in understanding.

"Always nice not to be locked into a plan, in Sydney for anything in particular?" I shook my head.

"Not necessarily, I'd heard the city is beautiful and just had to see it for myself." Looking out the window I could immediately tell that all I'd heard was nothing compared to the real thing.

"It's a beauty, this city." We drove further down the road and a large bridge came into view. "That there is Sydney's pride and joy, The Harbor Bridge. Personally, I reckon the Opera House is way more exciting but that's a matter of opinion." I nod as I stare in awe of all around me. We had entered the city by now and it was breath taking, it had the structure of Gotham with the cleanliness of Metropolis all tied into one, all the buildings having intricate details carved into them. It was bustling with life as the taxi drove down the narrow streets, in only ten minutes we had pulled up in front of a grand hotel.

My parents had told me to stay in this hotel and I can definitely see why, it overlooked the gorgeous harbor and the building was intricately detailed with a modern feel to it. The door man greeted me with a kind smile as he took my suitcases from me. The taxi driver bid me goodbye and wished me luck on my ventures and I payed him with a twenty dollar tip. I'd heard they don't work off tips in Australia but I couldn't let his friendliness go unnoticed. He took the tip with a smile and a thank you, I followed the door man into the lobby where the receptionist also stood with a smile.

"Miss Morelle! So glad you've decided to stay with us we have your penthouse suite all ready for you, here's your key and Josh will direct you." I smiled and thanked her before following Josh to the extravagant elevator.

"You know you're famous around here." He speaks as the doors closed and we are stuck with the soft elevator music playing through the speakers.

"Hm?" I hum in response taking a glance at him, he wasn't bad looking. His blonde hair styled professionally and his uniform neatly pressed. He smirked slightly out of the corner of my eye and I returned it with my own smile.

"Your parents are our highest paying customers, come here all the time." He continues as his Australian accent adding a certain twang to his words, the both of us staring straight ahead but I could feel his glance on me every so often. "I can definitely see what all the fuss was about." He smirked again and I blushed lightly.

"Oh I have a-" I stopped myself. "I have a strict no boys on vacation rule." I reply sweetly and he looks frustrated with me.

"Fine, if you change your mind you know where I am." With that we exited the elevator and arrived at my room. He dropped my bags inside the door and I bid him goodbye.

I took in the beautiful room and sat in the chair overlooking the gorgeous bridge and opera house. It was really something to behold, especially as the sun began to set, it was a great difference to Gotham that was for sure.


This is the trashiest chapter and god I'm sorry. Life has been a little um intense for the moment but I'm working on it I really am. And before you all tell me I don't need to explain myself I really think I do cause you guys have been so supportive of me and it's really unfair of me to just drop off the face of the earth so for that I'm really sorry.

I'm going to try and get back into pre-writing which should help keep up this schedule.

Oh and for all those wondering I survived my performance night! 8 acts later and I didn't forget a line or a lyric so that was a success, plus my friend Alex and I performed 'An Awkward Duet' by the one and only Dodie Clark, I'll see if I can post it with next chapter.

Thank you all again xx

Thank you all again xx

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