Chapter 26

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The next morning forced its way upon our sleeping figures in the form of piercing sunlight glaring through the window. It was Query that was first to wake up, nuzzling her nose under my hand in an attempt to get me to give her attention. This seemed to have woken Edward as well, his small grunt of drowsiness causing me to tilt my head up, kissing him lightly as Query meowed for attention and probably food.

"Good morning." I hum and he simply smiles in return. "I've got to get this cat fed because if I don't she'll start nibbling off my fingers." I laugh and start to get out of bed but he pulls me back slightly.

"I'm sure you wouldn't mind losing a couple of fingers." He mumbles into my neck and I notice his confidence is back.

"Contrary to popular belief I do quite enjoy my fingers thank you very much." I retort as I get out of bed for real this time. "Come on kitty I'm sure Lex has food around here somewhere," I said a quick goodbye to Edward and closed the door behind me.

I was still in my pajamas for all the staff to see but they had been the same people I'd grown up around so it didn't bother me. Query didn't even stir in my arms as I carried her around the mansion looking for something even resembling cat food, after my raid of the kitchen proved useless I took to asking someone.

"Excuse me? You wouldn't happen to know where Lex put the cat food do you?" The employee looked momentarily confused. "Never mind, could you please direct me to Lex?"

"Yes, of course, this way miss." I followed behind them to Lex's office, something I no doubt would have figured out on my own had my brain been working properly. "Here we are."

"Thank you, sorry to keep you from your duties." I apologized.

"It's quite alright." The staff member left without another word and I knocked on the door, awaiting him to let me in. His voice echoed a 'come in' through the office and I turned the knob.

"Hey Lex, just looking for cat food," I exclaim casually, scratching Query behind the ear.

"Oh yeah, I'll grab it for you in a sec. Edward isn't with you is he?" He questions and I glance at him skeptically.

"Not at the moment, why? Is there something wrong." I furrow my brow, the situation suspicious.

"No, no dear. Of course nothing's wrong I just wanted to discuss something privately." I nod, slowly closing the door behind me and walking further into the office. I took a seat on the couch and let Query roam free.

"What did you want to discuss?" I ask, crossing my legs.

"Well after watching the two of you last night it would be considered quite obvious that you and Edward are in quite a 'serious' relationship-"

"Lex do not give me that brotherly 'don't like boys' talk." I cut him off but he puts his hand up to shush me.

"You take me for your father dear." He laughs. "I was simply going to ask if he makes you happy. You are happy aren't you?" He questions and I smile at the thought of the two of us.

"Yes, I am happy. He makes me very happy." I reply without hesitation.

"Then I suppose I can approve." I give him a fond smile.

"You know you don't always have to look out for me?" I taunt and he leans against his desk.

"No it seems I don't, but yet I do so anyway. Guess you are stuck with me forever." He teases in return. "Your parents wanted me to tell you they were sorry they couldn't attend last night." He adds and I nod.

"Not that I don't love our talks but do you think we could get that fur ball some food please?" I ask and he immediately reanimates.

"Yes yes of course!" He leads me to find at food and I let Query eat. Lex and I carried on our conversation, someone delivered us coffee and I took a look at the mountain of presents I'd received from guests.

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