Chapter 3

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My body clock began working back to a regular person's making my morning easier. I was finally getting used to going to bed and waking up at a decent time, that time being daylight hours. I felt slightly peppier this morning, getting through my morning routine (that wasn't nearly as extensive as those in YouTube videos) and arriving at the café 10 minutes earlier than usual.

I pinned the new found excitement to the stranger with a green pen and neat handwriting. Ever since I had worked out the riddle that probably took longer than necessary to solve I had this overwhelming feeling of curiosity. Had I gotten the Riddle correct? Did he even want me to solve it? Why am I getting so excited over a small napkin?

"Are you ever going to clock on or am I just going to work while you daydream?" Cassidy asked from behind the counter, her hands were on her hips as she smirked cheekily at me.

"So funny Cass." I retorted sarcastically, going to clock off. "There, now you can back to your ever so busy schedule." I taunted and she gave me a blank look.

"When was the last time you went out?" She asked.

"Well, I don't really have time-"

"Excuses, excuses. Being the social butterfly you proclaim to be you are such a loner." She laughs and I pout jokingly.

"You try going to uni all day and working all night," I replied trying to justify my lack of social adventures.

"Now what's your excuse? Get out into the world or you're gonna turn out like the guy that used to live in your apartment." Did she really just compare me to the guy that died in my apartment?

"That was dark even for you Cass oh my god." I looked at her with wide eyes before we both broke into laughter.

"I couldn't help it, the opportunity was there." She shrugged and I just shook my head at her.

"Get out of here before Henry decides to haunt you," I exclaimed pushing her out of the café.

"Let me know when you wanna go get drinks or something!" She called half out the door when she bumped into the man from yesterday, Nygma as he was referred to and she cast him a distasteful look. 

"Hello, Miss Edinger." He greeted her politely and she nodded, scurrying out the door faster than I'd ever seen her do anything. 

I had arrived before the morning rush, most shifts at the GCPD not starting for another hour. Trust me I'd researched for when I had planned on getting the job. That left Nygma and I the only two in the cafè, although he seemed to be frazzled by the strange encounter from Cassidy. She had never been so cold toward someone and it left me wondering far more than it should have. 

"What can I get you today?" I asked in my usual polite tone that is required for the customers.

"Good Morning, can I just have a regular cappuccino, no sugar." He ordered and I nodded with a small smile. 

"Hopefully you will be able to enjoy it without getting it down the front of you, Harvey is loud, to say the least." I laughed lightly in an attempt to make small talk, not being one for awkward silence. 

"Yes, so it appears." He replied shortly and I drifted my eyes back over to him and sent him a friendly smile, it taking him a second before returning it. He took a seat at the same table he had occupied Yesterday and I placed the mug in front of him and he gave me a thankful gaze.

"I saw the Riddle you left on the Napkin. It was really clever, definitely got me thinking." I leaned against the counter. "It was a towel right?" I added, hoping to god I was right so I didn't look like an idiot. His eyes brightened slightly and the small action gave me the signal that I had gotten it right. 

"That is correct." He responded, his eyes holding mine for longer than the split second he had given me previously. "What is always coming but never here?" He asked me, sipping on the coffee and waiting for my reply.

"Oh uh um." I paused thinking it over in my head. "I'm sorry, hold on I need to think about it for a second." There was a long silence and he looked me over expectantly. "Can I write it down? I might be able to think better." I found a napkin and wrote the riddle down so I could look it over.

"The answer is-" He began to reveal the answer but I shushed him with my hand.

"No, no please don't tell me!" I exclaimed. "Oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to be so rude, I just really want to work this out for myself." I laughed, trying to make the situation humorous but he just nodded.

I tapped my pen on the counter repetitively trying to work out the seemingly simple riddle judging by his expression. He continued to sip his coffee, a slightly amused smirk painted his lips as he watched me concentrate on his riddle.

"Always coming, never here. Always coming, never here. Always coming, never here." The words came out in a low, focused tone as I blocked out everything but the riddle. After a few more minutes of begrudging silence and my brain working a million miles over time it suddenly came to me.

"Tomorrow!" I answered confidently. His smirk grew into a wide smile and he eyes me approvingly.

"Miss Edinger was slightly faster but I suppose you can always improve." He stated, his smile unfaltering but the sentence caused mine to drop slightly.

"Uh yeah, sorry I'm a little slow with that kind of thing." I chuckled softly tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"It would seem so." His comment came out with innocent intent but I took it a lot harder than I probably should of. "Never the matter, speak of tomorrow, I will see you then." I gave him a small smile as he got up to leave. He left a $20 note on the table with a napkin beneath it and I gave him a confused glance.

"Mr Nygma you left your-" I began but he turned around with a smile.

"No no, it's yours. See you tomorrow..." He trailed, indirectly asking for my name.

"Alice, Alice Morelle." I introduced, my voice somewhat giddy at his want for my name.

"Goodbye Alice." With that he walked out of the café, leaving me with no one but my thoughts.

Riddles on Napkins // E.NygmaWhere stories live. Discover now